8: Last Wish

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Sorry for leaving this for too long


"Are we doing this?" Hoseok asked, full of doubt and Namjoon just nodded as the reply. The leader averted his eyes from the orange-haired man's gaze. Jungkook raised an eyebrow, he stared at the shovel beside the tree.

Both of Hoseok and Jungkook gazed at Namjoon at the same time, he shook his head to clear his head and finally, "Jin asked us to do this, he rarely asks for a favour; so yeah."

"We should do it for him," Namjoon added when both of his friends stood still under the same spot, he recalled this evening before Jin prepared the dinner; the blond man asked them to gather at the living room.

Jin sat near the fireplace like always, on his usual chair; asking all of them to let him welcome and meet both Baekhyun and Chanyeol, he also asked them to do an odd thing at the middle of the night.

"The request is so ... weird, why he asked us to dig this place? Right under the tree?" Yoongi said, frowning. The older man held the shovel and stabbed it onto the ground under him; the area Jin told them this evening. The blond man specially asked them to dig the ground after Baekhyun and Chanyeol arrived.

People rarely dig the ground at the middle of the night ... Jin even asked all of them to hide and told them to use the backdoor instead of the front door.

Jungkook, Yoongi, Hoseok, and Namjoon; all of them held a shovel, the rain-drenched their clothes. There's no way they could dig the soil while holding the umbrella so they were drenched like a dirty rat.

"Wait," Jungkook took their attention, he looked around searching for two familiar figures that supposed to be here too.

Namjoon and Yoongi looked at him, Hoseok already digging the ground, "Where's Taehyung and Jimin?"


Chanyeol held his head, the pain was killing him when he tried to get up from the floor, "hang on!" he heard a familiar voice. It was Jimin when he looked to his right side and he found Taehyung behind him.

He blinked several times, the constant throbbing pain from his forehead made him so dizzy and he wanted to puke. He groaned in pain, rubbing his forehead. He gazed at the red blood on his fingers, he was bleeding.

Jimin touched him gently, tending the wound carefully while Taehyung handed him the tools he needed from the small first aid kit near them.

Taehyung supported Chanyeol from behind, Jimin ran to the nearest bathroom to take an extra towel for the blood.

Chanyeol grabbed Taehyung's hand and made the poor man almost jump from his position, "where-" he hissed because of the pain, "where is Jin?" he almost laugh at the weird feeling when he said Jin's name, thinking the man is alive was something stupid for the old Chanyeol but here he was; searching for the man again like old times.

Searching for Jin was the first thing his messy head could think, his eyes were desperate. Jimin gulped, he still couldn't believe what just happened before his eyes.

What Jin said was true, he knew about Chanyeol and Baekhyun. Even though Jin somehow looked as old as them; the blond man told them that he is the older brother.

Of course, Taehyung and Jimin still thought that Jin was joking when he told them that he adopted Baekhyun and Chanyeol; how can someone as young as him adopt children back then?

Jimin and Taehyung, they ran from their works. Jin asked them to dig but they sneaked in; being the bad children, they were too curious for what Jin would do with Baekyun and Chanyeol.

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