5: We Miss Our Jin

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A/N :

WARNING : NO BETA YETHi Hi :D Happy to see old reader and the new one! Hope you like it!





Jin sighed and opened his bedroom door after several series of loud knocks from outside his room, "what's wrong, Taehyung?" he asked with a bored face, leaning to the door-frame while crossing his hands on his chest. The younger man beamed with happiness when he saw Jin, he grabbed Jin's hand without hesitating and dragged him out from the bedroom.

"W-What?" Jin asked in confusion, the younger man kept dragging him to the stairs. He gazed at Taehyung's figure from behind, it was dangerous how the younger man looked so fine with his mullet hairstyle, the black hair that curled at the end; Jin shook his head.

Taehyung looked over his shoulder, "come with me," technically Jin already came with him, forced to come with him to be exact. They went to the living room on the first floor, Jin saw everyone already settled down on the couch or on the single couch there.

The television the boys' brought was on, it was new because Jin didn't remember having a television with a screen as big as that one with huge sound system on each side, "what's that?" the blond man asked, dumbfounded, it was also his first time seeing a really thin television.

Jimin moved a little from his spot to make a space for Jin, "if you asked who bought the television, it's Hoseok," the pink haired male told him

Jin gaped, "that's a television?" he stared at the 'television' with wide eyes, eyeing how Jungkook used his phone as the remote control instead of the real Bluetooth remote of the television.

Yoongi laughed, "That's a really lame joke, Jinnie," the mint-haired rapper learnt that Jin loved to make a dad-joke after their time near the river, the older man sat on the single couch beside the maroon couch.

Taehyung pulled Jin to sit beside Jimin meanwhile the model sat on the floor, in front of Jin, "we're going to watch a horror movie together," he grinned when he looked back to Jin.

"So?" Jin asked innocently, tilting his head in confusion.

If they are going to watch a horror movie then what the benefit from dragging him from his bedroom to this living room?

Namjoon smiled to Jin at first, "together means everyone, including you," the silver-haired man then noticed how fidgety Hoseok was, the other man always hated horror movie but he tried to act cool in front of Jin. Namjoon held back his laughter, Hoseok really wanted to look manly in front of Jin.

Jin was taken aback, he gulped down as he looked around the room; watching the boys' expression that didn't aware of the blond man's gazes. Jin looked down to his lap as his brain tried to process what just Namjoon said, seriously those kids?

How could they include a total stranger like him into their precious group?

"Taehyung always loves horror movie," Namjoon added as Taehyung picked a movie from his movie list.

Jin watched the television then his jaw dropped when he saw a familiar face, "isn't that-" he pointed to Taehyung's face; the one on the screen, not Taehyung that sat in front of him.

The black haired actor raised his eyebrow, "oh right," he gave a 'V' sign, "we're watching the movie where I played as the second man lead," the younger man laughed, his face was full of pride after he told Jin and the blond man seemed to be impressed.

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