" I know."

" You know?" I asked

Here it comes. He'll say something along the lines of
" You're Emmet's Sister." Like they always do.

But without saying a word, his large hands gently flicked my plastic ID badge that hung on my lanyard. Blush washing over my cheeks.

This wasn't like me at all.

I had to get myself together.

" Oh." I replied, my hands moving down my lanyard awkwardly. " Right." With that I walked past him, feeling his grey follow.

"Owens." His warm voice called out. "

Turning back to intrigued he continued putting away the books his eyes never drifting from them. " You never asked, thought I'd tell you any way. Sawyer Owens."

" I know." I replied.

His eyebrow raised and her turned to face me pausing his work. " You know?"

" Yeah, Uh we have AP Psych together."

" Swear." He said jokingly flashing his pearling teeth, though I didn't realize his sarcasm and said " 3rd period actually."

He chuckled placing a another book on the shelf. " I'm messing with yah Kid. I've seen yah, you must be pretty smart that's a senior course. No?" He asked once again turning to me, his muscle flexing and his shirt rising giving a slip of his toned abs as he put the book away.


" Yeah, I did AP chem over the summer, I'm trying to graduate early so I can start being on the ice full time."

He nods. " Right, almost forget you're one of the Yeti's."

" Yeti's." I asked confused

" Cold Bloods, Glacier Skaters, Icemen. Polar Rollers, and my favorite.. Yeti's" He clarified his voice never wavering and his expression nonchalant, the only hint of his humor would be the glint in his grey eyes.

" I don't think anyone wants to be compared to a Yeti." I laugh and go my surprise he tosses me a book, that I was not prepared to catch. I shrieked and caught the book before it could fall.

" NOTES FROM A NONEXISTENT HIMALAYAN EXPEDITION" I read that bold time and the small night under neath "Wislawa Szymborska"

" I called this to the Yeti
inside four walls of avalanche,
stomping my feet for warmth
on the everlasting
snow." He resisted.

" And that means?" I asked.

" Means you should read it." He rebuttals not offering any further explanation.

" I didn't come in here to read." I stated, my fingers tracing the spine of the book.

" Of course Yeti, because that's not what libraries are for." Sawyer spoke, with a hint of sarcasm laced in his voice.

There was something else special about Sawyer.

He always made me feel stupid.

And for girl who thought she knew everything.

Sawyer Owens always proved me wrong.

" Why are you here?" He questioned being the first to break the seconds of silence.

" Why are you here?"

He pats the cart. " Library aid. Your turn."

" Lunch." I said

" Ah..." He said with realization. " You're one those kids."

" Those kids?" I asked defenseless.

" It's either the library or the bathroom when it's time for lunch."

" Am not!" I exclaimed. Earning a wave of hushes and glares from around the library, where " those kids" were in fact sitting at the tables shushing me, instead of being at lunch.

He leaned against the shelf intrigued. " What kind of kid are you than?" His eyes searching and his brows scrunched together as if he truly wanted to know.

"First I'm not a kid, you might be older than me Owens, but, age doesn't intimidate me." I clarified. " Nothing does."

His eyes trailed over me analyzing my presence, almost impressed.

The stuttering and stammering has stopped and even though Sawyer Owens had me weak in my knees, I had to find myself again. I had to harden, and not melt in those Grey eyes because I'd lose myself, I'd lose control. And that's one thing I hated.

" But since you're so curious. I'm kind of girl who doesn't care for friends. I'm use to people not liking me, so that's we're this going . Than Bye-" Before I could turn in leave Sawyer called out and said " Wait.. "

" You can stay."

I scoffed a chuckle following after it. " I don't need you're permission."

" I know." He replied those grey eyes not leaving me.  " But I want you stay. You're not so bad Yeti."

I smiled.

I watch as smirk tugs across his lips, his head dropping almost to hide it, his hands tucked in his pockets.  It was the first time at HeartLand High  that anyones  ever held a conversation with Sawyer Owens for less than a minute. It was the first time I held a conversation with guy without my brother or Parker ruining it.

It was the first time I made a friend outside of Paisley.

I sigh " I'm here because, my brother is dating my best friend and everyone knew but me." I blurt out.

" Wow." He said surprised by sudden confusion. " Who's you're brother?"


He doesn't know?
I smiled, that was rare.

For the first time I felt like I had my own identity.

" Does it matter?" I asked

" No not really." Sawyer replied.

" So I'm here, because I'm pissed at them, so I came here to scheme a revenge plot."

" Really?"

I nod. " Really." Huffing I'm defeat my fingers play with pages of the book.

Silence was over us again, and Sawyer's grey eyes seem to be storming something as he contemplated.

" Need help?" He asked genuinely

" I think so."

" Give him a taste of his own medicine."

Just then the bell rang, but didn't move to caught up in Sawyers words. " Huh?"

He shook his head his dimples deepening as he smirked" Im not helping you anymore to read the poem."  With that he pushed the cart " See you tomorrow Yeti." He said before leaving the aisle.


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