Chapter 6

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" Someone has a lover." I teased flopping beside Paisley as she typed away on her phone. Her face went red as she put down her phone and looked at me trying to deny it. " Do not."


I've known Paisley for years we grew up together and is the only real friend that I have. I know her like I know myself her phone buzzed with another notification her cheeks couldn't help but ridden once more.  I don't want to beg, I allow Paisley to have her secrets because it rare when she ever does and she'll tell me eventually. She always does. Paisley has a new crush every week a new guy she thinks is smoking hot and this guy is probably the same a mere fling not worth the conversation.

" If you say so." I shrug getting up. Paisley pulls back out her phone and began texting away. It was probably this kid named Jackson. I told her he was total dork and she probably doesn't want me to know that things are getting serious with him.

I take a look at my self in the mirror.

" You look hot." Paisley said.

Still not convinced I place my hand over my stomach sucking in. "High school hot or college hot?" Paisley chuckles.

" Smoking hot." I smirk at her support. Paisley rolls out the bed and standing next to me. Wearing a short black maxi skirt and crew cropped tank top with a black leather jacket and black knee high boots with her blonde hair in a sloppy ponytail.

Oh we look good.

She pulls out her phone snaps a photo.

" Make sure my brother is blocked on all social media outlets before you post that." I remind.

" Yes captain." Paisley joked grabbing her keys.

" Now let's get some college boys."


                   I'd be lying if I say I do this often, run off to college parties with my best friend at 12am. It's not something I've made a habit. Parties where always a bore with my brothers goons breathing down my neck every second. Every guy to scared to dance with me and even more terrified to even as me on a date. I'm tired of being treated like a child, and although I understand there concern. I'm a big girl now.  With the flashing lights and loud music Emmet thought parties where a bad idea for me and  never encouraged me to go and half of the time he doesn't even let me. Mom and Dad think Emmet knows what's best for me just because where twins. I spent 9 uncomfortable months in the womb with his and been stuck with me since then.

" You ready?" Paisley ask I'm my own person I'm Emerson Fucking Grace that Motherfucking Bitch and I'm going to be conquer of college parties!  I can do this!" I nod and without hesitation I open her car door getting out the car feeling like the ultimate bad bitch. The loud music calling to me the smell of booze feeling the air and the loud frat house member could be heard and the red plastic bottles that cover  the yard makes this place even more welcome.

I close the door behind me and walk up to the house with Paisley by my side.

" Don't split up." She reminds.

I nod. " Don't spilt up."

" No punch from punch bowl. No drinks from strangers everyone knows about the asshats in frats houses that like to drug drinks. And you see one doing that we kick there ass."

This time Paisley nods.

" Ass kicking noted." We enter the frat house in astonishment at the neon lights and pool of dancing bodies. Paisley and I walk through it heading over to the cooler. I grab a beer and she looks at it in disgust.

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