They arrived after turning a couple of streets. Unlike the main street where there were a lot of people, the street they arrive in was peaceful. The shops were open but only a few were visited. People doing their own business, nothing to be mentioned. One soldier went in to the wooden shop while the rest were waiting outside. It is a small shop, so they agreed one could only go to negotiate while the other wait at the entrance. 

            In the other side, the negotiating went in scorching blaze. The soldier wants a bargain in exchange he'll buy half of the warehouse full of planks. Beside the shop is a small warehouse only a bit higher than the shop. The old man don't want a bargain for it could affect his next transaction. Thinking half, the old man could take it easy but it won't last long. 

"Come on old man"

"I bet the quality of the wood isn't even that good, I took a glimpse of it before entering" The soldier kept on bargaining using tactics of the art of using the sharp tongue. 

"Are you insulting me child!"
"This plank is of highest quality, hand made by my own children and myself!" The old man is not backing down. The soldiers outside were embarrassed by the ruckus, the people passing the shop could hear everything loud and clear. So embarrassed that they could think of rushing inside and smacking the head of their representative. But that could get them caught that they were behind of all those ruckus. 

"Dude! Finish it already!" The man behind the window whispered in an weird way to not get caught while talking to his comrades.

"Yeah, I got it" Their representative  got an idea.

"How about this old man, we'll all buy the whole planks inside the warehouse"Crossed his eyes and arms in negotiating mode. "Are you serious?" The old man thought "With the income, it could let my children rest for a couple of work".  Shocked, he couldn't make for a better transaction like this before. So the old man came to a conclusion, "One pouch of gold coins, you can take everything in it even the lamp hanging inside" He closed his eyes and  smiled while giving the price the price. When the old man opened his eyes again. The soldier he was negotiating with became dumbfounded including the other outside. The old man couldn't think for a better vision other than the price he has given. "Was it too over price?""No""Are they gonna void the negotiation?" The old man desperately thought. Until, the others outside laughed hard. They thought it would be like 3-5 pouch of cold coins, so they carried at least 5 pouch of coins. Although the money isn't theirs, the money was for the encampment given from the general. Each station were given the exact same. They could buy anything to make their camp comfortable for the winter. 

"So is it a deal?" The old man asked confused. 

"Yes!"  The soldier put a pouch of gold coins at his desk. 

                  20 gold coins, the old man checked the pouch. A pouch of gold,silver or copper is 20. The old man is shocked, that he stack his gold coins and looking at it as if he's looking a 100 floor building in the general's previous world for the first time. "Hmph!" got back to reality, the old man handed a key to the soldier.

"That is the key to the warehouse"

"You can take everything, I don't even care anymore if you take the door along side of you" 

"I'm sorry I can't help you carry the planks, as you can see, I can't carry anymore, and my children are all working at the back making more planks" The old man sincerely apologized. "Don't worry old man, we are strong you know" The soldier eased his troubled heart. 

"Boiz let's go carry some planks, I got the key" The soldier led his fellow comrades opening the door of planks. The quality of the planks were better than expected. They tried bending it, the durability is top notch. The planks were smooth, every planks has the same quality despite being hand made. With a little creativity, even planks could become art in the hands of artists. Their craftsmanship is indeed on a whole new league. After testing the planks they thought "Why didn't they got famous with this craftsmanship?".

How my time as a general in another world: White DeathWhere stories live. Discover now