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Things between Jeremy and I have improved a lot. Things in general have just been going way better. Sure, there were some bumps in the road, like SQUIP problems, but nothing we couldn't conquer. It was a nice spring afternoon and I was incredibly bored. I felt my phone buzzing off the wall. I picked it up and smiled.

Player Two<3




My smile grew.

To Player Two<3

What do u want you tiny weasel?

Player Two<3

How am I a tiny weasel?

That's Rich


I wanna go out

To Player Two<3


Player Two<3


I thought you would have an answer

To Player Two<3


A picnic

Player Two<3


That's the most romcomy thing

ABsolutely gross

So what time you picking me up?

To Player Two<3

After I go to the store, what do you want?

Player Two<3

Dude, you did not just ask me that

To Player Two<3

Fine, I'll buy your shitty Doritos

Player Two<3

I love you :)

To Player Two<3


Get ready dork

I slipped on a pair of sweatpants and decided to wear the hoodie Jake bought me last year for my birthday. I wore it a lot more than I thought I would. It was a nice hoodie and I appreciate Jake for getting it for me. I grabbed a blanket from my closet. It was a pretty old one. It gave me a whole bunch of nostalgia. It was a Mario blanket. I remember when I begged my moms to get it for me and they did. I instantly told Jeremy and he was also pretty excited. It was pretty easy to make us excited when we were younger. Literally almost anything excited us. I then told my moms that I was leaving and that I'd be back sometime later. I just realized how lenient my parents were. I shrugged. My moms were pretty awesome. I drove to the store and picked up some things to make sandwiches. I mean like what else do you bring to a picnic? I've only been on a picnic once and that was absolutely awful. It was all fine until Jeremy and I ran into a bunch of poison ivy. That part was not very fun. It was like over a week of itchy skin for the both of us and scolding from our parents. I then went to the chip aisle and grabbed some Cool Ranch Doritos for Jeremy and some Hot Cheetos for myself. I got us each a bottle of lemonade. As I walked down the drink aisle, I glanced at the Mountain Dew. It's been a while since I last had it and I was perfectly ok with that. It was Jeremy and I's favorite drink for a while. Then the whole SQUIP thing happened. Jeremy only drunk Mountain Dew once after that. We were both high so he didn't think much of it. It gave him an awful headache and the SQUIP started messing with him again. So, he completely stopped drinking it. I stopped drinking it with him since I didn't want him to do it alone. He seemed grateful for that and I was glad. I would do anything for him. I then quickly stopped in 7/11 to grab us each a slushie. Erika still worked behind the counter.

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