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(Panic Attacks)

I woke up pretty late the next morning. I was gonna go make myself something to eat but then I remembered I had to go meet Nicole. I got dressed and made my way downstairs.I was trying to leave as discreetly as possible.

"Where are you going?" Ma's stern voice asked.

I was so close. I turned around and saw my mom sitting at the island. She gave me a stern look before gesturing for me to come over to her. I should've known she would've been up. It was almost 1. I licked my lips before responding.

"I'm going out with a friend for a bit."

She put her head in her hand.

"Which friend?"

Just tell her the truth.

"Jake." I said quickly.

Why would I do that?

"Oh..." Ma's face softended. "Jake's a nice boy."

"Yeah, he is." I said with a nod.

"Tell him I said hi alright?"

"Yeah, alright."

"Oh, is there anything you want from the store, I'm going to the store real quick."

"Um, just some takis."

She nodded.

"Alright, have fun."

I basically ran out of the door. I got into my car and started driving. I don't know why I lied to her. I could've just told her that I was going to meet Nicole but that would've sparked up more questions. It's not like I was sneaking around to date Nicole. I was only sneaking around to meet Nicole. There was a huge difference. I soon got to Dunkin and saw Nicole sitting in the corner. She saw me in the distance and got up. She walked over to me and pulled me into a hug. I just stood there. She pulled away and smiled. She was wearing a pair of high waisted jeans that were ripped at the knee. She had a red flannel wrapped around her waist. Her shirt was white and had one of those tie designs going down the front. She topped it off with a pair of brown combat boots.

"Go get your coffee, I'll be waiting." She said before going back to the table.

I ended up getting a frozen vanilla chai and a blueberry muffin. I made my way back to the table and sat across from Nicole.

"You got a frozen drink? You do realize it's February right?"

"Yeah, I know. I just prefer colder drinks."

"Ahh, I see. I just wanted to get to know you more. So, you're turning 18 soon, right?"

"Um, yea, in a couple weeks actually."

"Well I'm turning 17 soon."

"Oh... that's nice."

"Well not until April but that's soon enough."

I just nodded.

"Are you still into video games?"

"Yup, I still love all the things I did before. I haven't changed too much."

"Oh please. You are a lot different from 7th grade."

"I am?"

She nodded.

"Oh totally. You were like super dorky before. Now, you are less dorky. I mean yeah, you are still pretty dorky but it fits you."

"I... thanks?"

Was I supposed to take that as a compliment?

"No problem."

I guess so. We started randomly talking about things, like how school was going and our lives in general. It was a pretty normal hang out. I sipped at my tea and ate my muffin. I still had quite a lot of teas left in my cup.

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