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Six o'clock rolled around quite fast and I was excited. I was waiting for everyone to show up. This was my first real party. I've had birthday parties but the only ones who showed up were Jeremy and my cousins. My moms were excited to meet all of my friends. The only ones they have met were Jeremy and Rich. They loved both of them so they were excited to meet the rest.

"I never thought I'd see the day Mikey has actual friends at his parties." Nanay said.

"Neither did I nanay." I said with a smile.

Jeremy was the first one to arrive. I opened the door and not only was Jeremy standing there, but his dad was.

"Hey Jere, Hey Mr. Heere."

"Hey Michael, nice to see you. Your moms invited me, I hope you are ok with that."
My smile grew.

"Of course it's ok, I'm glad you are here, or should I say Heere? Come in!"

Mr. Heere chuckled.

"You would think after twelve years of friendship you wouldn't still use the Heere last name joke."

"Nope, it's my joke forever sir, but one day, it's gonna be my last name too."

Jeremy's face exploded red and Mr. Heere elbowed Jeremy.

"You picked a good one son."

He didn't say anything, he just nodded. I stepped out of the way and they entered my house.

"Steve, Jeremy, nice to see you two." Ma said as she stepped out of the kitchen.

"Nice to see you too Tala, where's Carmen?"

"Right here, now give me a hug." Nanay said.

"Where do you want us to put these?" Mr. Heere asked, holding up some bags.

"Put them here." Ma said and pointed at the coffee table that sat in the living room.

He placed down the bags. There was another knock on the door. I opened it and there was Christine. She was turned around as she waved to her mom who was in her car. I waved to Christine's mom and she waved back. Christine stopped waving and turned to look at me and she looked surprised.

"Oh hey Mikey! Didn't know you opened the door. Happy birthday! Again that is."

"Thanks Christine, come on in." I let her in the house. Before I even had to say anything, she took off her shoes. Her mix matched socks suited her.

"Your house is really nice Mikey."

"Thanks Chris."

"Who's this?" Ma asked.

"Ma, this is Christine."

"Yup, Christine Canigula. It's so nice to meet you, I've heard so much about you."

"Trust me, I've heard a lot about you too."

My eyes widened. My mom wasn't supposed to say that. Of course I never trash talked Christine, you would have to be a horrible person to do that. I did talk about how jealous of her I was though.


"Yeah, you used to date Jeremy, right?"

"Oh... um yeah, I did. But I'm super happy Michael and Jeremy are together. They are super cute!"

I really hoped my mom didn't make Christine uncomfortable.

"Mikey, you were right, she is a sweetheart. And don't worry, when I said I heard a lot about you, it was all good things."

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