Tachyon Academy

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Everything goes so fast
That there's no time to grieve the past

There's so much I can see with my sight
But not all of it will come to light

There's times that everyone says it might
But then there's others who tell me to give up the fight

It's a school of wondrous places
And a time to see familiar faces

But things are never fully unscathed
As there's always someone who misbehaved

And the tachyons of emotion rise by
Faster then photons, they fly into the sky

They don't make it easy, it's hard to catch up
So that's why, it sounds so easy for others, to be helpless like a little pup

But I don't like having feelings of resignation.
Especially when I had something in mind; a designation

Everything going on is always so complicated
And it's like everyone expects certain things to autonomously become compensated

Sure certain projectiles shoot faster than you know

But what's an arrow, without a bow?

Psychology Anthology:Optus JargonWhere stories live. Discover now