Steep Steps to Steep Steps

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I walk up the stairway of life.

But Life is not very forgiving.

It's okay however, as things have been getting better. Even if the flood becomes wetter.

Life is often very generous at times, even if at other times Life will stab you in the back.

As we wait for the rain to subside, I extend my coat over the both of us as I smile at you.

It's okay. Life will go by and we'll be fine. Even if Life wants to go and ruin things, we'll just fight back.

Tomorrow's gonna be a good day, and Life and her very unfair self can sit in the garbage for a few days. Pretty please?

I just wonder how long it is until the next inevitable thunder.

But before that day comes, let's enjoy ourselves.

I've already been sorta sad for awhile. But those feelings are definitely sorta bad. So I'm being happier. And I see you're making yourself a better person too. I appreciate that and I just can't wait to spend time together.

Let's not make it too fleeting, but let's not just focus on how short-lived things are either. I just absolutely adore doing everything with friends, and I just hope that's a feeling that never ends.

Destiny may always come to bends, but I'm sure that Fortune will appear to fend off Life for some time.

They call me a freshman; it's about time I started acting it rather than rotten and anathemic about the past.

So it's a goodbye to what I wanted for the past year, to rid of the grudges, to appreciate what I've got, and see what I can do with it. It's very frail, but I just love it so much I can't help playing with it despite knowing I may break something.

But I know there's also an amount to how careful you should be. I do wanna have glee after all.

I've got to do stuff for me.

It's something I needed to see.

So as awkward as it feels to say this, I think I'm gonna start loving myself more. Not that I don't love my friends, but I just feel like I don't appreciate what I have enough, that I've been rude to my friends actually.

They've certainly got my back, so I gotta return the gesture. I can't afford to mope around, especially when they're so nice and praising of me. So loving towards me, even if not in a romantic way.

I don't know why I didn't think of just how great of friends I have, how much I love talking to them.

So thank you guys, if you're my friend and reading this. You guys really make my day, and just every single one of you are precious.

And even if you're not, thank you for reading! It honestly makes me feel better that someone out there would be interested in my spontaneous board game that Life provided me.

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