Graceful Embrace

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My mind often becomes livid;
My thoughts consume way too many lipids.

My anxiety washes over with a great wave;
My detachment digs my grave.

But, there's greater forces lately.
Something that stops me from feeling so irately.

I've mentioned it before, but I'll say it again.

Thank you for being there for me, and taking me in.

I appreciate your care, your flair, and your super-helpul self, keeping me from wear and tear.

Obviously nothing's ever perfect, but it doesn't need to be.

I absolutely think you're perfect, and I think we can break what others say.

Statistics and prejudice don't mean anything; if we're the outliers.

When you hug me I feel all giddy;
But sometimes my afterthoughts make me feel... shitty.

But aside from the foul language and the overlaying stress;

You're really just the best egress.

And I was always anixetic because I didn't know if our feelings were truly reciprocal;
But I finally stood up to my fears, and started saying how I've felt.

And it makes me so glad beyond words, that you feel like you do;

It's the best ingredient in the rue.

So once again... Thank you.

I can't wait to see you again.

That smile really does make my day, along with... everything else you do.

Psychology Anthology:Optus JargonWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu