"So you can't leave home, in short terms, and if you Do leave we'll make sure to bring you back."
Army's mother spoke with a smile.
"Bullshit! Army's isn't staying here!" Aloha yells out which gets the room's attention
"I see your still around"
Army's father spoke in a bitter tone eyeing Aloha
"Yeah I'm Still Around! Army isn't staying here with You!"
"Kid I don't expect You to understand, but Army has no say in this, He's Still A Minor!"

"As of today Son you'll be staying home with us, your current place will be put up for sale, and you belongings will be packed up and sent here."
The father puts his hand down on Army shoulder
"Is that understood!?"
Silence fills the room for a while, and all Aloha does is look at Army's back desperately wanting Him to say the words 'No'
"Yes I understand.."
The mother spoke, she then snaps her fingers the maid that opened the door for them came back into the room.
"Show them their rooms please"
The maid nods and gestures them to follow her.
"Your friends can stay for a while, but they'll have to leave eventually" the father pats his sons back and starts to walk out of the living room but then speaks the words.

"I'll be sure to send someone to get you so we can talk business."
That's is. That was it, Army now doesn't have his way to leave, the walls cave in on him and he feels like he's about to choke, his home will be up for sale so he'll have no where to live.
"Let's go Sir"
The maid calls out. Army nods and quietly makes his way down the halls of his home as the rest follow.

"Two in each room. So please pair up"
The maid asked of the group
"I'm with Army!" Aloha grips onto Army's arm
"I'll be with Rider!" Goggles cheers
"White sailor and I will share" Forge spoke
"Me and Mask will share..." Skull tiredly spoke
"Can I have My own room!" Blue spoke, the maid nods and now that left Gloves and Emperor
"Alright you two, your the only ones left so you share"
Gloves cheeks starts to heat up, Emperor only shows a small grin.
"Fine by me" Emperor calmly spoke
"Everyone head to your rooms, Sir, someone will be here to get you soon"
"..Thank You..."


Army paces around the room thinking and being irritated with himself for letting this happen.
{of course I fell for it! My mother was sick and as she thought I rushed over here, she's worse than father, at least with Him he gets what he's doing over with quickly, what She does is trick me and lets me suffer the Long Way!!!}
Army puts his head down and smacks his hands on his forehead and starts to press down with as much force as possible. Aloha quickly makes his way over to Army so he can stop what he's doing to himself. Aloha grabs Army's hands and forces them away from his face, but Army struggles.

"Stop doing this to Yourself!!"
Aloha try's to pulls harder, but Army still won't give up.
"You Can't Make This Better!!" Army spoke harshly with tears running down his face as his voice hicks.
Aloha doesn't say anything, all he does is wrap his arms around Army's body and hugs him tight until the orange squid gets tired.
"I'm So Cod Damn Irritated With Myself!! I came here to see her..But She Lied! And Now! Your in this mess, along with Others!!" He hicks and his voice cracks from sobbing so much, it's a pain for Aloha to see his boyfriend like this. But he couldn't do anything. And it hurt.

"Am I interrupting"
Army stops crying and looks at the door to see Satin
"What The Hell Do You! Want!"
Army shows a irritated look, but Satin just smiles and shrugs.
"Your dad wishes to see you now"
Aloha grabs Army's wrist and holds it tight not wanting Army to leave.
"Stay here Aloha"
Army takes Alohas hand off of him the kisses it before leaving the room with Satin.

"So are you my fathers pet now?"
"Why must you state it that way, No! I'm not his pet I'm no ones pet. Well~ I could be yours~" Satin looks back at Army and gives him a wink
{No thank you}
The two reach the doors that leads into his fathers office area, Satin walks in and so does Army.
"Glad you made it"
Army doesn't speak just shows a dull expression
"Don't be like that Army. Just be Thrilled at the fact that I even let your friends stay, even that Pink! One...that screwed things up last time"
Army bites his tongue holding back from snapping at his father

"Why did you trick me to coming back home"
"...Do you remember what you did at Age Seven, our family and Navy's made a contract"
Army's dad gestures his hand at Satin
"...T-that was a long time ago"
"But you remember what it was about Don't You!"
Army gulps
"You do. Well when you came home last time I was expecting you to go through your side of the contract, but you never did, again because of that pink squid"
Army's father opens his desk and pulls out a box, then tosses it over to Army.
Army's hands went cold when he realizes what it is

"...I forgot about it.."
"Doesn't matter your going to do this and your going to like it. Do you know why?"
Army looks up at his dad
"You'll be doing this for your mother, she's in a debt problem and she's doesn't have enough money to pay off her problems. When you do this and After you do this Navy's family will give your mother the cash she needs to pay off what she owes. Do this for you mom so she doesn't have to Drown in payments, because I know you won't do it for me. You love your mother don't you Son?"

Army looks down and the box in his hand and opens it up to be faced with the ring he picked out as a kid.
"Propose to Navy and Marry her. For the Sake of Our Family's future generation and for the Sake of your mother!"
"...How do I know this isn't some trick!"
His father sighs then pulls out payment records
"Your mother needs the cash by the end of this month. If she doesn't pay she's in some deep dark problems."
"I can't..."

"You can't do this for you mother..." Army's father stand straight then suddenly with as much force, he slaps Army across the face.
Army fell back from the impact and held his cheek
"You sure are being spoiled, We Raised You Better!"
Army starts to shake as he leans up against the door, his father gets close and grips his neck.

"Marry Navy, and this will all be over"

-If you ever wanted to know what Navy and Satin look like then go into my Random story

Together Forever...  ( Army X Aloha ) Where stories live. Discover now