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^ their outfits

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The long-awaited day arrived, and so did Jinyoung on Yugyeoms doorstep with a very excited bounce as he knocked on his awkward neighbors door.

It took a few moments for Yugyeom to open his front door, and a few quiet crashes were heard before the giant boy opened it. "Oh hey! I'm almost done with the pies so just take a seat while I pack them up okay?"

Jinyoung was surprised at the fact that Yugyeom didn't stutter or hesitate and simply pulled the boy inside before rushing back into his kitchen.

He watched silently as the tall male packed up five pies before gently pulling one out of his beeping oven and quickly putting it in its package before whipping off the oven mitts and turning to Jinyoung with a smile.

"I'll help you put Jihun in the baby carrier while I let the last one cool down and then we can go." Jinyoung nodded at Yugyeoms words and followed the alpha to his car, setting Jihuns carrier in the backseat and making sure it's secure.

Jinyoung then got in the passenger seat as Yugyeom went back into his house and grabbed the six pie containers, setting them in his car trunk before entering the vehicle himself.

The drive was a short 20 minutes, and the boys simply hummed along to the radio in a comfortable atmosphere. Jihun thankfully was in a good mood and would shriek happily every time he saw a truck pass the window.

Jinyoung's brows lifted as Yugyeom pulled into a long driveway that leads up to a big house, where at least ten other cars were already parked around.

Yugyeom caught his surprise and chuckled. "This is another friend of ours Taeyongs house, his pack is huge. This is his vacation home he lets us use for stuff like this. Anyway you ready?" Jinyoung made a scoff-like noise and pointed at the house in disbelief.

"How the fuck does Jaebum know this many people. Let alone a rich person? Last time I checked YoungJae had him wrapped around his pinky finger!" Yugyeom nodded.

"That's because YoungJae is the one with connections. Anyway come on I can smell Seonghwa and Kihyun's cooking from here." The pair quickly got out, Yugyeom grabbing the pup and motioning for Jinyoung to follow him.

The boy was surprised yet again when the boy merely went past the front door and around the side, but followed his neighbor all the same. That was until he spotted Minjae chasing some little boy and many voices.

That's when they reached Taeyongs backyard and Jinyoung saw how many other wolves were there. Out of instinct he hid behind Yugyeom, gripping onto the talkers hand that held Jihuns carrier.

Yugyeom senses the stress as the group ahead of them quieted and focused on the three newcomers. "Jinyoung, it's okay, you're safe. So is Jihun. Look Youngjaes coming over. There's nothing to be scared of," Yugyeom quietly comforted the overwhelmed omega, putting his free hand overtop Jinyoung's.

"Hey Yugyeom! Jinyoung! I'm so happy you could make it! Come here," YoungJae lightly pulled Jinyoung out from behind his hiding place (aka Yugyeoms tall legs and wide shoulders).

Jinyoung was pulled up to a table where there were about six other guys chilling with drinks. YoungJae then cleared his throat and all eyes focused on them.

"Guys, I'd like you to meet our newest pack member, Jinyoung! Jinyoung this is Seonghwa," he pointed to a model looking man with black hair. "Hongjoong his mate," the boy to Seonghwa's left who had white hair. "And then Hyungwon," even more handsome than Seonghwa, who had natural black curls. "Hyunwoo," a male with resting robot expression but also looked a little lost. "And finally Namjoon, Jin and Yoongi." Namjoon seemed laid back and very tan, Jin who was his presumed mate had draped his legs over onto Namjoons lap as he sipped from a pink wine glass. Yoongi was the palest out of the group, and the most dead-looking too.

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