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Btw this is taking place somewhere in the USA(I have no set place I'm just lazy and don't want to write bowing and Hyung scenes okay? Leave me be)

"God fucking fuckity fuck why is this so damn heavy?!" Jackson whined as he carried a decently sized box up the stairs of the two-story apartment.

It used to be a house but the owners split it up into a two-part apartment, each having their own side with two floors. It was cheap since Jinyoung was splitting the rent with his neighbor -who he'd yet to meet- and the place looked like a good place to settle down and raise his kid in.

Jackson, his beta friend was currently hauling said baby crib (that was yet to be built) upstairs to the baby room. Jinyoung cackled from downstairs as he carefully began unpacking kitchen supplies while hearing his friends complaints.

"Oh shut up! Mark said you've carried heavier shit than this!" Jinyoung playfully yelled as Jackson thundered back down the wooden stairs.

Jackson stuck and accusing finger at his best friend. "You are so lucky you're pregnant young man," Jackson joked, lightly patting Jinyoungs overgrown stomach.

The omega huffed, hitting his friend on the arm with a loud thwack causing the older to dramatically whine. "Oh hush, was that the last of the upstairs stuff?" Jinyoung inquired as he started putting plates and cups in overhead cupboards.

Jackson immediately took the plates Jinyoung was about to put inside one of the cupboards and did it for him, earning a frown from his friend.

"I'm pregnant, not helpless," Jinyoung grumbled, moving to put dry food in his pantry. Jackson just stuck out his tongue while the omega was turned around. "Don't stick your tongue at me or I'll cut it off and shove it up your ass. Can you please go bring in the groceries from the back of the car?"

Jackson flushed at the realization he was caught before mopingly moving to get the groceries from Jinyoung's car. That was until he spotted a light brunet boy leaned over a garden patch across the yard.

"Oh hey! You must be Jinyoung's neighbor!"

"What the fuck is taking that dopey ass so long? It's just groceries! Is he trying to bring them in all at once like last time? I swear to Jesus." Jinyoung rambled as he waddled outside of his new home, a pair of house slippers adorning his aching feet.

What? Being 8 1/2 months pregnant means you don't give the slightest fuck about what other people portray you as.

"Jackson Wang where the fuck are my groceries? I asked you do to something so goddamned simple and yet you haven't appeared in twenty- oh my god I didn't see you there!" Jinyoung places a hand over his heart as a tall man popped up next to an uncomfortable-looking Jackson who was slightly bent over.

The tall cutie awkwardly waved his hand. "H-hi, you must be Jinyoung? Jackson told me a lot about you, I'm Yugyeom... uh do you need help?" Jinyoung fanned himself mentally as the tall boy smiled sheepishly while he waddled closer.

Placing a hand on his stomach he smiled graciously while grabbing onto Jackson ear. He was hit with the familiar scent of alpha coming off the boy and it was oddly alluring. "No, but thanks anyway cutie! I'm just here to collect this fool before he talks your ear off about the dumbest shit. It was nice meeting you!"

With a wave and a complaining Jackson in toe, Jinyoung marched back into his house with a huff. Jackson let out a sigh of relief and moved his hand to massage his released ear before a smirk made its way onto his lips.

"You called Mr. Awkward alpha a cutie," the boy teased, earning a slap on his shoulder again. Jinyoung rolled his eyes and moved through his kitchen into his living room, gratefully plopping onto the plush black couch.

"I did not. Now seriously go get my groceries! It took way too much energy just to drag your dumb butt back in here with that sweet-smelling boy-" Jinyoung's eyes widened as he slapped a hand over his mouth.

Jackson's eyes were also wide as he pointed at Jinyoung, shocked. "You just... wow. Pregnancy. Does weird shit to my friends. But even YoungJae wasn't this weird! Jinyoung don't go scaring off your neighbor, he's awkward as is!" Jackson warned him as he actually retrieved and put the groceries away in Jinyoung's fridge.

"Okay preggo man I'm gonna head out- and you're sleeping." Jackson cut himself off with a sigh. The beta then went through a few boxes before finding a blanket and draping it over his passed out best friend.

The male proceeded to turn off the lights, set Jinyoung's house keys on the kitchen table, and lock the house with his spare key before getting in his car and driving back to his home, Jinyoung falling into deeper sleep filled with babies and a certain awkward neighbor.




This is a weird first chapter but is fucking 1:21 am and I'm sleepy as hell but I finally got inspired to actually write so take my shitty content.

Anyway sorry for the amount of swearing I'd blame it on being sleepy but in reality I just swear a lot in my books so I dunno what you expected. 

Okay okay bye my sweets! 

EDIT: Ahhhhh I'm so excited to actually focus on only one book ahdohrohforefer

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