Quirrel X Pregnant! Reader

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haha preggo




Quirrel huffed a sigh as he sat down on the thick leafy fronds that made up a makeshift chair. He set down his nail on the ground next to it and leaned back, looking plainly up at the ceiling. He had had a lot of trouble getting back home today, a lot of the GreenPath creatures, he swore they were getting tougher and harder to fight each day...

But Quirrel knew he had to survive. There was someone- two actually- that he needed to survive for. He couldn't just die and leave them. He couldn't give up. Almost as if on cue, his wife Y/N stepped through the door. "Quirrel?" Her soft voice was like music to the weary bug's ears. (? Does he have ears...?)

He got up fast and walked over to where she was leaning on the door-frame, enveloping her in a tight hug. "Hey baby..." He muttered, stoking the top of her head. Y/N snuggled into the crook of his neck for a second before squirming gently out of his grasp. "What took you so long? You- You took such a long time..." Quirrel rubbed his forehead a bit. "The creatures of GreenPath are getting very... aggressive nowadays... I was attacked on almost every side this time."

Y/N's forehead creased with worry. "Quirrel-" She started towards him. "It's too dangerous. You can't go out anymore!" Quirrel gave her a sad look. "Y/N you know I have to-" Y/N shook her head. "No, you don't! Please- for my sake-" She looked down at her barely swollen stomach. "For our sake..." Quirrel closed his eyes and then walked back over to his wife again, crouching down to pat her belly.

"Hey there lil' guy..." He whispered to it. Y/N blushed. "Quirrel, you need to be careful from now on. If it's getting more dangerous out there, I can't have you risking your life. You need to be there for our child." Quirrel smirked as he got up and lightly pecked Y/N's lips. "I'm pretty sure it's gonna be a boy."

Y/N punched him weakly, a slight smile on her face as well. "We aren't sure of that yet! It could be a beautiful baby girl too! Plus, don't change the subject on me mister!" Quirrel shrugged and then hugged her close to him again, this time leaning down to her ear (?) "It'll be a beautiful child no matter what gender." He whispered gently and then went back down to his leafy chair, plopping down heavily.

Y/N gave him another slightly concerned look before turning tail and moving slowly towards the kitchen. "What would you like to eat?" She called. "Y/N- You don't have to make anything honey!" Y/N shrugged to herself (and the baby) before sitting down at the small kitchen, head in hands, gazing out the window at the acid lake that lay outside their humble house.

A few minutes of the two just resting away from each-other for a few moments, Quirrel heard Y/N cry out in what seemed like pain. He jolted up from his seat and hared over to the kitchen where Y/N was clutching her stomach. Quirrel yeeted himself over to her and gripped her hands, worry showing clear in his eyes. "Y/N? Baby, are you alright?!" Y/N smiled weakly up at him after a second.

"I felt it... he touched my stomach..." She looked lovingly down at her abdomen. "He's in there alright." Quirrel felt relief spread in his heart. "Y/N I thought- you made me think he was coming already..." Y/N let out a burst of laughter. "At this time? No, of course not silly!" Quirrel huffed playfully. "Well, how am I supposed to know?!" Y/N held in the rest of her laughter and instead hugged him.

She pulled away and pointed outside. "Quirrel, let's go outside for a bit. The acid is looking pretty this evening." Quirrel peeked over to the window. "If you insist honey..." He helped his wife up and the two headed slowly outside. Y/N clutching her stomach still, the two slowly walked over to the edge of the plank.

Y/N sat herself down, letting out a small 'oof' as she did so. Quirrel sat peacefully next to her, and after a few seconds of just staring peacefully across the lake, Y/N laid her hand over Quirrel's and they shared a smile together. He patted her stomach with his other hand. "Y/N. I promise that I will stay safe and healthy for you and our baby. I'll be there."

She smiled brightly at him just before the leafs behind the happy couple rustled and a giant Moss Knight stepped out, his sword glinting in the sun-like light. Quirrel snapped his head around, and Y/N yelped as it advanced so suddenly on them. Quirrel reached for his nail before he remebered-

He left his nail inside.

"SHIT-" Quirrel cursed mentally as he glanced back at Y/N, who's expression was absolute terror as she clutched her belly protectively. He looked back at the advancing Moss Knight and then suddenly gripped Y/N's hand, jerking her towards the beast. If he could just get past and behind it with Y/N- then they could make it inside safely.

He maneuvered around the beast swiftly, dragging Y/N with him, and yelped as the Moss Knight, in a drunk like manner swung it's nail. However, he just barely dodged it. He looked back at Y/N who also seemed unscathed. He bolted for the door, and slammed it shut as soon as he made sure Y/N was safely in as well.

He hugged her close to his chest as she quietly sobbed from fear. He pushed her away gently after a second. "Honey, are you alright? Y/N?" She looked up at him with watery eyes. "Q-Quirrel I- I was s-so scared... I- You ca-can't go ou-out anymore I-If that's wh-what you n-need to f-face..." Quirrel shook his head. "No, baby usually I'm prepared and I have my nail... I could've killed it if I had it with me but I left it in here... Honey, it's fine now... don't cry anymore..."

Y/N just hugged him tightly in response. "Y/N. You don't have to worry about me, because I made a promise I'd be there for you and the baby. And I don't break the promises that mean the most to me."




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