Snail Shaman X Reader

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Snail Shamen grumbled. He was running out of SOUL, and he NEEDED that SOUl because now he can't make spells. And now he was bored. That was not fun.

"Just great-" He muttered agitatedly, waving his skull like staff in the air. "Now, I'll probably have to go outside and smash some bugs... oh ho ho..." He shuddered at the thought of going out into the nightmarish outside world. Everyone was infected and always tying to kill you... terrifying.

At least he had his staff. It provided some protection... Not much though.

Shaman shook his head in an exasperated manner. He really didn't want to go outside of the Ancestral Mound, but as much as he didn't want to, he had too.

He heaved a heavy breath as he floated over to the entrance (And exit) of the Mound, fiddling with his skull necklace as he did so. He inhaled deeply as he stepped out of his cave. "Oh ho ho..." He muttered, opening his eyes and then jumping back, startled very much.

A bug was sitting right next to him. It appeared to be a girl and she also looked as if she had either been sleeping for very long, or just was knocked out for some unknown reason to the Shaman.

He hid behind his staff for a second, studying the bug before tentatively peeking out and inching closer to the hunched over figure. "M-My my... You startled me..." He poked the presumable her slightly. "Oh ho ho... are you even awake?" He shuttered at the other option- She was dead.

He wanted to presume the first.

Then he jumped back again, his staff pointing at the bug, for her eyes had snapped open and her body convulsed. She looked around for a bit, seeming to study her surroundings before jerking herself up into a more sitting position.

She groggily studied the place some more then finally seemed to realize the cowering Shaman was there, her eyes widening slightly. She blinked, her body barely moving. "W-Who are you...?" She asked in a croaky voice.

Shaman pointed his staff at her, trembling. "I- I'm t-the Snail Sh-Shaman?" The other bug looked satisfyed with this answer and looked back straight, not saying anything else. The Shaman looked at her for a few moments before edging out slowly from behind his so called protection.

"W-What is y-your n-name then? A-a-and why are y-you here?" The bug seemed to smile in an odd manner to herself. "My name is Y/N. And I was attacked by a huge possesed peice of armour and managed to get here before collasping. It looked like a safe spot. I hope you don't mind."

Shaman shrugged. "It was very scary to almost walk on you, I'll admit... You have to be careful out here..." Y/N nodded her head, wincing as she did so. "Yes, I'll confirm that..." Shaman stared at her for a few seconds before coming to an obvious realization.

"You look awfully hurt- May I bring you inside? I believe I have some extra healing ointments..." The Shaman smiled inwardly as he also realized this meant not having to go hunting. Y/N nodded again weakly. "Y-yes that would be n-nice..."

Shaman then also inwardly blushed as he realized that this meant he would have to pick Y/N up. "I've never held a girl's hand before- let alone carry one into my Mound-" He thought to himself.

(If you get that referance- I swear I love you with all my heart-)

The Shaman quietly floated over to Y/N and blushed as he picked her up bridal style, luckily she couldnt see, because of his inky colored skin. Y/N smiled up at him. "Th-thank you for this..." Shaman looked away as he blushed. "Oh ho ho... don't mention it."

Y/N let out a weary smile before her eyes fluttered shut again. Shaman looked down at her as he walked back into the Mound, smiling and thinking to himself. "Oh ho ho... I can tell I'll like you a lot... Now, let's get you fixed up."




i'm pretty sure everyone here forgot who this dude was but he's on my poster so why not

hollowknight  x readerWhere stories live. Discover now