Hornet X Reader

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Y/N sighed, sitting on the metal bench. It was surprisingly comfortable, seeing as it was more for deign, and made out of, well... metal.

She stared outside, the rain dripping off of the green fonds of plants around her. The weather even reflected her mood today. However, she wasn't the one who was originally sad. Y/N was feeling sad because someone she loved greatly was.

Her girlfriend, Hornet was mourning today.
She had lost someone who apparently had much value to her.

A few days ago, a mantis came to the doorstep of Hornet and Y/N's shack. She introduced herself as "Inky" and that she came with sad news. Hornet had gulped upon hearing this, and invited the short mantis in. The three had made a bit of small talk before Inky cleared her throat. "So, seeing that the Mantis Tribe is the... guardian of Deepnest, I bring some news from there."

Hornet stiffened. "Go on." Y/N looked suspiciously at Inky, putting an arm around her girlfriend.

Inky lowered her long neck and head. "Queen Herrah has...passed away. The story is that someone got ahold of a DreamNail and used it on her in her sleep and... she died."

Hornet inhaled sharply, and her eyes widened. Y/N's mouth dropped open as she stared at the mantis.
"Are you serious?!" Inky narrowed her eyes. "Why would I joke about this? I would not travel across half of HallowNest to prank some random bug about their mom dying."

Y/N stared at her for a second before hugging Hornet even tighter. The red dressed bug was starting to have faint tears in her eyes.

Inky looked at them both uncomfortably and then got up from the chair she had been sitting in. "Well, I- I best be going. Farewell."

Hornet didn't respond all to this and Y/N just nodded to the bug. Inky then left without a word.

The few days since the news had arrived had been extremely painful for Y/N, seeing her girlfriend in pain, but especially Hornet. The bug never came out of the house anymore, she didn't have any of her old spirit and she never wanted to patrol. She just wasn't herself anymore.

Y/N sighed, leaning back into the bench and twisting her head around to look back at the hut Hornet was in. She cover her face with her bUg hAnds- She didn't know what to do. She had tried everything. Wait- not everything... not yet...

»»————- Time Skip Brought To You By Bug Hands ————-««

Y/N knocked gently on the door of the house, holding two cups of hot cocoa in her bUg hNadS. (Idk if bugs actually have hot cocoa, just pretend tho) "Hornet? Babe? Could I come in?"

Y/N heard a sad moan from inside. "Sure..." Y/N grimaced at Hornet's tone, and pushed open the door. Hornet was sitting in a chair, back hunched and needle strewn on the floor. She looked so frail and helpless...

Y/N edged towards her. "Hornet? Honey, are you ok?" Hornet looked dully up at Y/N.
"I barely spoke to her..."
Y/N winced at this simple response. "Yes, I know, but... she died serving the kingdom. Remember that."

Hornet's eyes focused for a big on Y/N. "Is that hot cocoa?" Y/N smiled gently and nodded. "Yes, would you like some?" Hornet nodded and held out her h a n d s to take the cup.

Y/N walked over to her and gently handed her it. The red dressed bug numbly took it and sipped a little from it. "It tastes good... but something is missing..." Y/N perked up. "What is it?"

Hornet looked up at her girlfriend. "You. Come sit with me. I need you." Y/N blushed a bit. "O-ok." She sat down and snuggled next to Hornet, who kissed her forehead. Hornet squeezed her closer and then out her head on top of Y/N's.

Y/N blushed even more, and sipped her drink. "I- I'm sorry about your mother-"
Hornet sighed, her eyes glazing over a bit. "I'll be fine. Soon." Y/N looked up and sighed, leaning into her girlfriend more. "Well I'm here for you when you need me..."
Hornet patted her head. "I know..."
"I know."




hollowknight  x readerWhere stories live. Discover now