Ghost X Reader

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i let him use he//him pronouns in this one :) sorry !




The skull like figure sat quietly on the bench. He was very tired. Fighting off all these infected bugs, meeting all these new mysterious travelers, traveling himself all over the place... It was a lot, and took away a lot of his precious energy.

Luckily he had these benches.

Right now, he was sitting on the one in the quiet but humble town called DirtMouth. One of his new friends, ElderBug was humming softly a few feet away from him, and Bretta and Zote were once again talking, Zote seeming to never stop blabbering about himself. Iselda and Cornifer's shop had smoke rising lazily out of their chimney, and Sly's shop looked a little busier than usual.

DirtMouth was a very welcoming and nice place to come back to, everyone was very nice and enjoyable. (Except for Zote, bc Bretta >:'//) Even though newcomers rarely came into the town anymore.
Ghost lost himself to his thoughts, quietly resting as he felt the strength seep back to his body. Therefore, he did not notice ElderBug perk up and start waving, a creaky smile appearing on his old features. He did not notice the figure slowly approaching him and his bench. He did not notice the thing until it sat down right next to him.

It apparently stumbled upon sitting down, because it bumped quite harshly into Ghost, causing him to stir angrily and glare to the side of him when he realized that a girl about his age was sitting down next to him, scooting along the metal to get comfortable.

Ghost was obviously surprised, and scooted a bit further away from her as she sat down. He didn't talk though so he couldn't exactly ask her questions. The bug looked up at him, her gaze inquiring and intriguing. "Hello. I'm Y/N." She said, in a flat and passive manner. Ghost didn't know how to react to this however, DirtMouth hadn't gotten a newcomer in... well... forever!

Y/N looked at him for a bit more and then looked away, staring out into the horizon. "Your face looks weird." She stated. Ghost wasn't sure if he liked this newcomer. She seemed rude. The bug though sighed, rubbing her face with her claws. "I'm sorry, I'm tired. I traveled a very long way here and everyone is just so vicious... you know what I'm saying?"

Ghost nodded his head and stared forwards again too, mimicking the newcomer. She moaned wearily as she glanced over to the well. "That nice old bug over there told me that there was a lot of adventure down there... does that mean I should go in...? The little knight shrugged, thinking back to all the suffers he had gone through down there but at the same time, all the friends he had met.

Y/N slouched further down on the bench. "You don't really talk much, do you WeirdFace?" Ghost blushed slightly at the nickname, but shook his head. She blinked her eyes a few times as it dawned on her. "Ooh. You don't have a mouth." She gave him the best look of pity she could muster at the moment. "That must suck."

The little knight simply shrugged.

Y/N sighed again and heaved herself off the bench, claws on her hips as she stared unenthusiastically towards the well. "Well-" She smirked as she said that. "I best be going. I don't want to sit here all day." Ghost nodded and got up, the height difference was huge. Y/N stared down at him. "Wow- you're short." He huffed at this remark.

Y/N out her claws up in the air guiltily as she started walking towards the well, Ghost following her. She threw a glance back at him. "You're- coming with me?" The skull faced Vessel nodded. "Your choice. Although, with that nail of yours, I think you'll be a good sidekick. A good friend even." The knight blushed and shrugged this off and the two walked off into the well together.




hollowknight  x readerWhere stories live. Discover now