Quirrel X Child! Reader

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A/N; please don't take the title the wrong way- it's like a father//child relationship X")

thank u and sorry !
- rabbit




Quirrel quietly walked through the caves of the crossroads, nail in hand. The caverns were silent, apparently no bugs hunted or lurked here.

Or so that's what he had thought.

He walked along for around 5 to 10 minutes before he heard a screeching like sound. Sounding like... a VengeFly King?

He smirked to himself. It didn't sound far away and he could use a workout... He then gripped his nail and shot off towards the noise. "This ought to be fun." He thought as he hurdled over rocks and pebbles.

Boy, he did not know what was about to come on him.

It only took him about 2 minutes to reach the commotion and when he did, his smile immediately disappeared.

A VengeFly King and other very small Vengeflys were shooing around, swarming around something that Quirrel could barely make out.

It was a child! It was crying in the middle of this all, scared and stressed. The VengeFly King opened its mouth, screeching, and then positioned itself to take another dive at the poor thing.

Quirrel snapped himself back to reality and hurtled over to the gigantic bug, swinging his nail ferociously. The bug screamed in agony, and swirled its head over to Quirrel, snapping its jaws.

Quirrel dodged and went over to pick up the wailing child, grabbing it by the blanket like structure that held it. He swiped at a few Vengeflys, and then hared away, running from the swarm.

He ran for what seemed like hours, the child eventually calming down, but it had still cried for a long time. It wrapped its arms around Quirrel's, who was carrying it as gently he could.

He soon found a rocky cave, water slowly dripping from the stalagmites and plopping into small puddles. He quietly set down the child, shushing it.

As he looked at it, he realized something. There was a necklace around it's neck, engraved with the name Y/N. "Huh..." He muttered under his breath and picked up the baby.

"Shhhh... be quiet now.." He anxiously looked around as he said this. He was no good with children and he really wanted to get back home. He looked down at the small being in his hands.

"Where are you from, small one?" He whispered to it as it looked up at him with sparkling eyes. Y/N cooed in response, swiping at the mask on top of Quirrel's head. He put a hand on it to sturdy it.

"No no.. that's not for you." He said, rather sternly but his attitude breaking off as Y/N reached all the way behind her head, screeching. It was such a hilarious and ridiculous pose Quirrel couldn't help but laugh.

He put Y/N's head back in his arms though, afraid of her slipping out of his grasp. He hummed a bit to the baby, hoping it would fall asleep soon, and it sure did.

Once he was sure she was knocked out cold, he yeeted her off a clif- (sorry-) He set her gently down on one of the smoother rocks. Then he himself sat down, head in hands, pondering what he should do.

He threw a glance at the baby. She did seem like someone had just left her there for the Vengeflys... and he bet someone would've already gotten her before he showed up if anyone had wanted her.

He sighed. It seemed like the only right thing to do now was take her home with him. I mean, he couldn't just leave her there! Someone might hurt her.

He went over to pick up the baby and his nail. Y/N startled as he woke her, but did not cry, instead looking up at him with crystal like eyes. He looked down at her. "Plus, you're way too cute for me to just leave you here." The baby made a gurgling noise.

Quirrel grinned down at it. "Well, I guess I have always wanted to be a father... Eh. Why not!" And with that, he scooped up Y/N, his nail and started back out to his home, where he would raise the baby he had found on his fateful walk.




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