Not Infected! Broken Vessel X Reader

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A/N; i called it BV in this one since my ass was too lazy to write out his full name everytime :)




BV quietly looked up at the sky, pondering. It couldn't think out loud. It didn't have a mouth, which caused slight dilemma in talking.

So it just sat and thought quietly, with only the company of the sky. It didn't actually know if up was the actual sky. It was just so dark up there and it looked like it never ended. A fitting description of a sky.

It didn't really know what he thought of. It wasn't supposed to think originally. It had been made to have no emotions, thoughts, anything. But it had them.

It wasn't sure if they were a curse or a blessing. Its siblings didn't get this. They didn't get to look up at the supposed sky and think, "I want to be able to fly one day."

BV did want to fly, speaking on that matter. It did want to be able to soar and flap its wings, as it had seen other bugs do rarely. It wanted to be in the sky.

However, someone down on the ground already gave it the feeling of soaring. She was a fellow vessel, gifted with gender. And she had somehow been able to fall in love with BV, as it had with her.

Her name was Y/N. A beautiful name truly. And since BV was cursed, (Or blessed) with feelings, the two had fallen in love. And they truly did love each other.

Speaking of the beautiful bug, BV heard a noise behind it and saw Y/N standing behind it. She looked down at it, and then sat down next to it a second later.

She rested her head on him, sighing. No words needed to be exchanged between the two. They already knew they loved each other and that was enough.

Y/N would be there for BV when it needed her. And it would for her.

Recently, BV had felt a rising in its very core. A anger it did not control, nor could get rid of. Y/N knew it was there too.

BV was being infected. Just like all the other commoners of HallowNest. It could do nothing about it however. It was already too late.

And so everyday, since it had started to feel this arising within it, it sat on its cliff. Staring at the sky in which it wanted to fly in. It would take Y/N with it too, and she could ride on its wings.

Y/N kissed the side of its horn as she stared over the ledge as well, looking down into the spikes as black mist came up from out of the Abyss, sinking up through the dirt and into the Ancient Basin, where the two sat.

And BV was content. As long as its love Y/N was alive and happy, it was content.

It no longer tried to fight the Infection within it. It was no use, after all. It only cared about Y/N being happy at this point.

BV pecked the top of Y/N's face with its shell in the manner of a light kiss and then looked back up to the sky.

"One day, I will fly." It thought, as it sat on its ledge, slowly being taken over, with Y/N.

Little did he know however, that there was no sky.
There was no sky.
Y/N would crumble with despair when he finally disappeared.
And he would never be able to fly.




hollowknight  x readerWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt