"No thank you, I think I just passed it. Thank you Miss.."

"Miss Atlas, or Calypso. I don't like being called by my last name even though it's professional. Most of my students call me Calypso. I'm an environmental science teacher by the way."

"Well thank you again Miss, um Calypso. I'll find my way".

With that Percy turned around and made his way back to the entrance. And true to Calypso's word, the main office is hidden behind the stairwell. The lights were on and so he turned the doorknob and opened the door. Inside was a small desk space and a tiny hallway behind it.

"May I help you?" Came a sharp voice from the desk. There's a middle age woman typing at a computer with her glasses at the tip of her nose staring at him.

"Um yes I'm new here and-"

"There's 737 new freshmen here, what makes you so special? I thought the principle told you all to meet at the auditorium." She sighed and went back to her typing.

Percy bit his tongue at her interruption, "Ma'am I'm not a freshman, I'm a transfer from California and I need my schedule so I can go to class."

She glanced up and down at Percy, her gaze lingering on my short limb, "Ah you're that student. You're early, usually kids like you are late. Hold one minute..."she typed the rest of her sentence before rolling her chair out, "Nightshade the new disabled kid is here. Are you ready to give him a tour?" She called into the hallway.

Percy bit his tongue until he tasted blood. Footsteps of another adult came down the hallway. It was another young women with a dark blouse and dress pants, with her dark hair pulled up into a messy bun. Unlike the rude secretary she gave him a genuine smile.

"Are you Perseus Jackson?" She asked politely.

"Yes, but I go by Percy" he corrected.

"Alright Percy, I'm your counselor Miss. Nightshade. I'll be giving your a tour around the school and feel free to a ask any questions"

She led Percy back out into the school's hallway.

"I want to also apologize for Ms. Em's behavior she's not really a morning's person"

Percy held back a snort. And followed his counselor throughout the school. He underestimated how big the school really is. There's six floors and two different basements all together and the passing periods are only six minutes to get to class to class.

"Well I showed almost everything that you should need. I'm sure your brother should fill in the rest of the blanks for you. Oh I almost forgot" she grabbed a key from her pocket. "This is the key to the elevators. The elevator won't open unless you have the key. Every teacher should also have the key just in case you forgot it or something. Here's your schedule, we already walked by all the classrooms you have. The last thing is your locker. It's on the first floor right by the wall of acknowledgements. Here's your number and combo. Do you have any questions?" Percy shook his head as he was handed his schedule and the key.

"Good my office is in the main office if you have any questions or concerns. It's great to have you here Percy!" The counselor waved and walk back to the main office.

Percy looked at his schedule. Instead of the block scheduling he was used to in California where they alternate classes every other day. He now has the same nine periods every day. Luckily for him the destination between each class wasn't horrible, so he should make it to class on time.

Percy sighed and headed to find his locker. It's a small locker that was on the top half of the wall. He picked up the paper with his combo on it and opened his locker. As he was setting aside some notebooks in his locker he heard two familiar voices.

"Alright Jason the auditorium is right down the stairs to your left. Remember to text me if you get lost and if anyone gives you any trouble."

"Ok Thals I will. I got to go, Piper is asking where I'm at."

Percy froze. He hasn't spoken to his cousins since before the accident. After he got to New York hd was too busy thinking about his new life, his brain totally spaced about the rest of his family. Will they be mad at him since he didn't attempt to make contact with them?

Percy shut his locker and took a breath. Prepping all the courage he has and asked, "Thalia?"

Thalia turned. She didn't change at all. She's wearing a Green Day T-shirt paired with black ripped skinny jeans with combat boots. Her hair is a choppy mess falling below her chin, and her eyes are a sparkling blue pop in contrast to her thick black eyeliner and mascara.

Her eyes turned to surprise to fury. "Perseus Jackson what the hell are you doing here? Why have you not talk to us since May? We've been trying to talk to you all summer! You didn't even tell us when you got to New York! Aren't you supposed to be in California at this time? Why haven't-" Her Eyes widen even further than Percy thought was possible. "Your leg! What the fuck happened to your leg?!"


Calypso Atlas is the environmental teacher - Calypso likes to plant in the original series.

Miss. Nightshade the counselor- Zoë Nightshade book 3; the Titans Curse

Ms. Em the secretary -Aunty Em (Medusa) book one; The Lightning Thief - She was one of the villains in the book, she's not a nice person.

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