Part26 The memories were lost so long ago,but at least you have beautiful ghosts

Start from the beginning

At this point, Q starting to guess that that text did not come from Nova.

Q took a deep breath. He was about to cross into some risky territory business two friends and he knew he was going to have to choose his words wisely or else Nova would never believe him over Robin. Even though he didn't like Robin (even more so now than ever) he knew who she was to Nova and what he was about to say would break her heart. 

"Nova, I got to the hospital before Robin. When she arrived, she was really adameant that she was going to be the one to take care of everything with you and she kept trying to push me out the door because me and the guys were leaving on our tour. She kept saying that if I didn't go, it would screw everyone and I would let the guys down so I stayed until she came back down and let me know that you were going to be okay...I even offered to go back and help her with grabbing your stuff but she made it clear that she didn't want me there."

Nova's stomach churned. She didn't know what to say to Brian. 

Here she was this whole time with these bitter and angry feelings towards him over the fact that he didn't stick around to see if she was even alive, and yet he was there the this whole time. She let out the breath that she hadn't realized she had been holding in this whole time and she felt her heart break in a whole new way. 

Brian studied her face and felt terrible, even though he knew he was 100% speaking the truth to her. He knew what she was about to go through and he was no stranger to betrayal. He reached out and lightly touched her hand, trying to give her any kind of comfort that he was able to offer. 

"I'm sorry Nova...I hate to have to be the one to tell you this but that is the truth...Sal can verify it if you feel like you need to hear it from someone else, I was keeping him in the loop the whole time when-"

"No no no, that's okay, I believe you" Nova said, pulling her hand away to interject. Q felt a small relief that she wasn't questioning his presence there.  She turned in her seat to face forward and she let out a huff.

"Can...Can we get outta here?" Nova asked, just seriously wanting to get as far away from the home that her and her now ex best friend shared together. She was in shock that Robin would lie to her about something that was so hurtful. It made her wonder what other things she could have been lying to her about.

Q nodded and started his car, putting it in gear and driving off, granting Nova's request. He didn't say anything to her, knowing that there was nothing he could say at this point to make her feel better so he just kept his mouth shut so she could sort through her thoughts in peace. 

They drove around aimlessly for a while, Q didn't really know where to take her knowing that she probably didn't want to be around people right now and it was too late to go to a park for safety reasons. He decided to take her to the one place that always made him feel better and the only place in the world that he ever wanted to be after a rough day...

He took her to his home. 

45 minutes and a tense ride later, they pulled up the driveway of his home, Nova picked her head up and looked around. "Is this where you live?" She asked in amazement. 

The whole time they were together, Nova had never been to Brian's house. It was nothing personal, it just never fit into their routine. He would always come over to her place after work because it was just easier and because of Nova's old work schedule and with her not having a vehicle it was more convenient for them to hang out at her place. 

"Yup" Q said proudly as he pulled into the driveway. "It's not much, but it's home."

Nova looked over at him and he was smirking at her. "Not much? Your house is beautiful!" She exclaimed with wide eyes. Q parked the car and Nova got out, not taking her eyes off the front. Q couldn't help but laugh at her reaction and Nova couldn't believe that this really was the first time she was seeing it for herself. 

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