Chapter 2

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Twelve more days until school begins, marking the start of his last year of the "best four years" of his life. That's all Frank has to wait for now, and when it starts, he'll be able to chill there all day and then some. Things will be different, his happiness will return, and he'll feel safer. Home will feel so small, hopefully as small as he feels right now, laying down in the bathtub and letting the cold water hit his stomach and chest, trying to numb the bruises his mother put on him.

His eyes are shut, and his mind plays him a tune that isn't anything in particular. The music in his head silently hums along to the sound of the shower. Despite the reason he lies there, he feels calm. The house is always dead silent after anything bad happens, like the calm after a storm. This storm was only thunder, although some feel like lightning and tornadoes. He hopes it's never as bad as hurricane. The water continues to fall onto his skin as he thinks. He rubs his eyes before opening them, and touches his shoulder so he can pull it to where he can see it easier. The bruising there is much better than he thought it'd be, so that's a relief. He was expecting something more purple and dark, but it's just mild. He looks at his left wrist. The bruising there isn't too bad either, only a yellowish color. It probably wouldn't even be noticeable if he were to throw on a few bracelets.

The shower is cold, but he hasn't shivered yet. He was sweating before he got in here anyway, so it was a good feeling, but now, it's no use, he thinks. Water won't make the pain go away or help him heal, all it seems to do is soak into his skin like sun does to roses, only roses don't crinkle up like raisins on their fingertips as they do to him right now. They only thing that could make things better is removing Frank from this "home" entirely. That, or Gerard suddenly becoming his hitman in shining armor, which is unlikely, although the chances of it happening are never zero. With Gerard, there's really no telling on whether or not something that drastic could happen. Frank doesn't really want his mother to die, but he does wish for the pain she inflicts upon him to stop. Killing her wouldn't solve anything.

Taking in a deep breath, Frank sits up in the bathtub, the water feeling worthless to him now. All he thinks that could come out of this is hypothermia and maybe premature death if he's lucky enough, and that doesn't seem so bad right now. He turns off the water and gets out of the tub. He grabs his towel that he brought in earlier, and wraps it around his thin waist. He's about to look in the mirrors and check out his bruises to see if they look any different there, but a knock at the door interrupts him, and that causes him roll his head back and silently groan at the ceiling while also rolling his eyes as if his head falling back wasn't enough.

"What?" He asks, already irritated at the voice he hasn't even heard yet. Knowing the only person it could be is his mother, it gives him only more reason to be annoyed. Him taking showers or baths, or doing literally anything in the bathroom is him time only, it's the only unspoken boundary his mother has with him, and it's very rare she'll ever try to talk to him while he's in there. This time, he doesn't seem to be that lucky. He starts putting some of his bracelets on his left wrist while he waits for her answer.

"That boy with the red hair is here. You can go with him, but be back before seven!" His mother calls through the door. In an instant, Frank doesn't feel as hopeless he felt five minutes ago, and he starts hurrying to get dressed. Gerard doesn't often show up unannounced, but Frank almost always appreciates it when he does. It saves him the trouble of having to ask his mom to see him because usually, she would say no. When Gerard randomly shows up, odds are in his favor that he'll be allowed to leave.

"I will be. I promise!" Frank calls back to her with a growing smile on his face, trying to hide the excitement in his voice as he gets his oversized dark grey t-shirt on. He hurries to get the rest of his clothes on, and doesn't bother completely drying off his hair as he leaves the bathroom and runs to his bedroom to grab his pair of all black converse. He sits on his bed and quickly puts them on.

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