First date

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Callen's pov:
Yesterday was awesome! There is no other way of putting it! Sitting there with Hanna next to me, her small hand in mine, while her family along with her former team and my family talked amongst each other.
„So, when are you going to pick her up again?" sam questions with a smirk since I currently am trying to find a good outfit in my closet.
„At 6 pm. So why don't you help me find something to put on instead of only watching me look!" I tell him pretty anxious and irritated at him for not helping me. I thought he came over to help me and not to make fun of me instead!
„Sorry G! It's just funny to see you act like this." he answers me which annoys me even more, still I try to ignore it. I am already nervous enough as it is, so I don't need to riel me up even more!
„Why don't you wear this?" sam asks with a navy blue button up shirt and some black jeans in hand. Studying the outfit for a bit before nodding slowly. This could work I guess.
„Awesome since that's finally done, you may also want to get yourself ready. It's already 5 pm and the drive to Hetty's house takes about thirty minutes." he states while shoving me I to the bathroom. With one last shove he pushes me in, laying my clothes on the counter and closes the bathroom door behind himself once again. Ok, he is right! I do need to hurry since I definitely don't want to show up late at our first date! Turning on the shower and jumping into it, only to hurry through the whole process just to make sure that i am still on time.
„You look Good G, so calm yourself down. There is no need for you to be this anxious about this date. If she wouldn't like you, she definitely wouldn't of agreed to go out with you in the first place!" sam tries to reason with me, and I do try to stay as calm as possible but it seems to be not working at all!
So after another few moments of worrying sam pulls me into a tight hug before once again giving me a little pep talk. He has set me into my car and wished me a fun evening before letting me drive off.

Slowly I make my way towards the front door of Hetty's place, and with another deep breath I knock, hoping this evening is going to turn out alright.
„Mister Callen! Please come on in, Hanna isn't quit ready just yet." Hetty says and welcomes me into the house.
„Do you want something to drink?" she asks after taking me to the living room. With a small thanks but no thanks we both take a seat.
„What are you doing Here? I thought you and Spencer are going out as well!" I ask Morgan a bit surprised to see him sitting there as well.
„Well, those two wanted or needed to get get ready together, so we decided to postpone our date to 6 pm as well." he answers me with a chuckle. I as well followed in with my own laugh, those two are really thick as thieves. It definitely is going to break both their hearts when Spencer needs to fly back for work. A small commotion from upstairs immediately gets my attention as well as everyone's else's. Both the twins slowly make their way down the stairs. And i am more than happy i have put on the Navy Blue dress Shirt. Why you may ask? Well, because Hanna has on a beautiful bodycon dress, that also is navy blue which lets us look like a serious couple! With a surprised frown i see her go over to Morgan instead to me, instead Spencer is now standing in front of me.
„I would like to talk with you real quick!" he says just like his sister says it to Morgan. Trying not to laugh out loud at the realization of what that is all about. So without a fight I walk towards the kitchen, Spencer of course right behind me.
„Spencer Listen, i am not going to hurt your sister. That's the farthest from what my intention is. So don't worry!" I tell him the second the door falls closed behind him. Seeing his eyes brighten up in joy and relief makes me smile at him.
„I appreciate that! Still, if you do hurt her I am going to kill you! And i know How to hide body's to make sure they aren't going to be found." he threatens me. It doesn't really surprises me to hear that from him, so I only pull him into a short hug before promising that I won't hurt his sister once again. With a satisfied nod of his, we walk back towards the living room where Hanna must of given Morgan pretty much the same talk since he also only sends a small smile my way. Hetty also sits in her seat and smiles softly at her niece and nephew.
„Well, are you ready to go?" I ask Hanna who has now cuddled herself right into my body.
„Yeah, I am ready!" she mumbles with a shy smile on her beautiful lips.
„Have fun! And Derek, you better remember our talk!!" Hanna says over her shoulder before we leave towards the door.
„I hope you like Italien food?" I ask her while pulling away from the house to drive towards the small Italien restaurant right by the beach. It's really romantic and classic there, you also have an awesome few out on the see with lots of candles and ferrylights everywhere. At least that's what sam has told me about it.
„I love Italien food!" she answers me with a bright smile. And i swear if she is going to keep smiling at me like this I am going to go nuts with trying to make her mine for the rest of my life!
„Here we are." I say and open her door like a true gentleman. Her little giggle makes me smile fondly at her.
„Wow! How did you get reservations here!?" she asks astonished.
„That's a Secret!" i answer her with a small wink. To which of course she again giggles happily.
„We have reservations on the name Callen." I tell the guy in the front who quickly looks over the book lying in front of him.
„Of Course! Please follow me to your table!" he happily says before leading me to a table right by the window. It also looks a lot like Sam has described it with all its candles and ferrylights the whole theme is pretty romantic.

Part 1 of this story is finished.
Part 2 is coming along!

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