A knock

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Hanna's pov:
Walking out of the kitchen I made sure Derek knows not to mess with Spencer or he would learn of what I am capable of. Heading to the living room, still slightly fuming of someone hurting my bubbles!!
„Hey! Are you ok?" startled I look up to see Callen standing next to me looking a bit worried. Taking a deep breath to cool off.
„Hey! I'm fine, thanks for asking. How are you? Is your team already on their way?" I ask, hoping he wouldn't detect my anger.
„What happened that got you so angry?" he asks, smashing my hope.
„Spenc came into the kitchen, crying. Something happened between Derek and him and I swear if he was the reason that made him cry, or if he hurt him, he will get to know me a little better!!!" I say feeling my hands start to shake at the thought alone of a hurt Spenc. Suddenly I am engulfed in a tight hug. Surprised I look at Callen.
„You needed a hug, that was easy to see. I'm sure whatever happened, that the two of them are going to handle it just fine. After all the both are in love with each other, even if they won't tell each other about it." he quietly says while he stares in my eyes. Sighing once again, I nod. He is right, those two are crazy for each other. Bubbles also knows how to kick ass if he has to, I learned him how to protect himself.
„Your right! It's just, I love him and I can't stand the possibility of him hurt." I whisper softly. I know I shouldn't but he is my twin, my best friend and the closest that I have as a home. Hearing a knock, I excused myself to open the door. Looking through the peek hole, after confirming that it's Callen's team I open up. And yes I know who they are, I not just only checked Sam and Callen when I hacked their computer but their whole team. Better safe then sorry! Letting them in and tell them to went ahead to the living room. Going to the kitchen to get something to drink, I am confused as to Spenc and Derek are nowhere to be seen. Shrugging my shoulders and went to deliver the refreshments before looking for Spenc. To my surprise he was sitting on the couch, as close as possible next to Derek. When he sees me watching him he turns bright red. What is going on, my suspicion rises highly. Sitting the refreshments on the table before taking my seat in between Callen and Spencer. It's a tight fit, but I don't care at the moment.
„What happened?" I whisper to Spenc.
„Later?" he asks hopefully. I just instantly shake my head in answer. Not caring that we have an audience, I am worried for bubbles and he always comes first. His blush turns darker before sighing.
„We confessed our feelings for each other!" he whispers into my ear so no one other than me can hear. My face immediately splits into a wide smile!! Happy that whatever happened between them, made them finally confess how they feel. Hugging him close, I feel a tear fall from my eyes, a happy and relieved one!
„I am so happy for you bubbles!!" I really him softly. He in return only hugs my tighter. Slowly we return to the present and pull away from our hug. Hastily I wipe away the fallen tear from my cheek, not wanting them to think I am weak. Just as Hetty wanted to start with the introduction there was another knock on the door.
„Are you expecting someone else?" Spencer asks Hetty with a tint of worry after she shakes her head. Standing up to look who it might be, but Callen immediately pulls me back down and walks to the door himself, after giving me a pointed look. Rolling my eyes at him, I know perfectly well how to protect myself, thank you very much!!
„You better get used to him being overprotective. He has taken a liking to you, so he is going to protect you if it is necessary or not." sam tells me matter of factly. Oh that is sure not going to happen!!
„I didn't went on all those special ops for nothing lifeguard!" I answer him with a slight smirk. He just starts to laugh loudly to the amusement of everyone else. When Callen walks back in, he is slightly frowning. Obviously not happy with whoever was on the door. Squeezing right next to me again he stares at the newcomers. Spencer and I immediately sprung to live and ran to Gibbs! He engulfed us with a wide smile.
„I heard from your aunt that you are in trouble?" he asks but honestly states. But since we are the good kids that we are we nod our heads simultaneously.
„Let me see you guys!" he happily says while looking us up and down, as he always does when we see each other.
„Spencer! Wow do you ever stop to grow?" he says, smiling when Spenc blushes right away.
„And what did I hear about you finding someone special?" he asks mischievous smile. Derek promptly walks up next to us.
„It's really nice meeting you Mr. Gibbs!" he says friendly but also a bit nervous of what he might think of him. Gibbs as we knew he would sizes him up and down before clapping him on a shoulder.
„You choose a good one there Spencer! Good looking and as I know very smart." he tells Spencer, smiling brightly.
„But if you ever hurt him, there won't be a body that could be found! I hope I made myself clear!" he announces to Derek. I can't stop the laugh that came out of my mouth. Gibbs and I are just to similar.
„Don't worry, dad! I made sure he knows and remembers that!" I say with a smirk.
„That's my girl!" Gibbs says proudly, which makes me feel warm inside. Gibbs always was like a second father to us, and after some years we started to call him dad. At first he didn't knew how to take it but now he loves it!
„How about you baby girl? Anyone I need to run off?" he asks me intensely. Laughing at his words, as if he ever would do something like this. He always acts all tough but he is a big teddy when it comes to us. He would do everything to protect us but always would accept our decisions.
„I am good dad. No one you need to run off, sorry!" I say smiling at his relieved face.
„Well, than lets go and kick that idiots butt!" he announces. That's when I see there behind Gibbs stands another person. When I see who it was, a smile once again went on my face.
„Owen!!!" i say happily while throwing my arms around him!
„Hanna?! What are you doing here?" he asks me surprised but happy to see me again.
„long story short, i live here, well more like i lived here with my twin and aunt." I tell him happily.
„But that's Hetty's house!? Isn't it?" he sounds really confused at what's going on.
„It is, Hetty is my aunt." I tell him not really getting why he was here in the first place, but happy he is!
„You are what!?" he nearly shouts out.
„Hetty! Answers, now! What the hell is going on!? Since when do you have a niece? And since when do you have a twin!?" he demands while falling back on a seat.
„Let's Go to the kitchen and talk. I also want to know from where the two of you know each other!" Hetty says already leading him out of the room.
„Dad, do you know them or should I introduce to everyone?" I ask him quietly, but not quietly enough it seems.
„How comes that you never told me you have a daughter and a son?" Callen asks suddenly standing right next to me and Gibbs. Dad seems to pick up how close he was standing next to me. He quizzical raises an eyebrow at me, as if asking no one to run off. Rolling my eyes at him. Silently telling him that there is nothing between the two of us. I mean I only know him for one or two days.
„Safekeeping reasons." dad says, not taking his eyes of off me.
„From where do you guys know each other?" I ask them, hoping to distract dad from whatever he was thinking about.
„We went on a mission together, became close friends. I even told you about him when you lived with me!" he says with a slight glint in his eyes, which only rarely is good for anyone around him. Not the I am going to kill you glint but the I am onto something and I am going to get to the bottom of this. Looking at Spenc for some help, but he only shrugged his shoulders, not knowing what to do ether.
„whatever. Did Hetty call you about what's going on?" i ask, trying again to get him off topic.
„Yes she did, but don't think this conversation is over just yet young lady!" he says a bit stern at the end. I immediately sink my head, I always hated to disappoint dad or Hetty. Arms engulfed me and the soothing smell of dad once again surrounded me.
„I am not disappointed love! Just want to know what's going on in your live." he whispers softly. He knows me well enough to know he triggered some bad emotions in me, but as in true dad fashion, he makes sure they go right away again. A sudden bump to my right makes me look up to see Spenc trying to get in the hug also.
„Let me in bambam!" he demands in a cute way. Dad and I smile at each other and let him in to cuddle once again.

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