Ok? Whats going on?

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Callen's pov:
After running into their shared intimate moment, i feel like crap. Not because of running into some love confession, but because WHO the confession was from and to. I guess it's weird to have feelings towards someone you don't really know, but something in me just tells me that Hanna has the same lost soul as I. Taking a deep breath before letting myself fall down on my seat next to gibbs and Sam. Both look at me with questioning eyes. Gibbs looks suspicious, but he doesn't need to worry. His daughter obviously is in a happy relationship with her ex teammate. Maybe even teammate now again since the threat is finally taken care of. But I am not one to ruin a happy relationship, so no worries. What I do however find a bit weird is that Hanna has told gibbs that she has no one he needs to run off , since she is happily single. She doesn't seem like someone who would lie to one she cares for, but on the other side, I have seen their closeness and heard their love statements. Sighing once again, really considering to just leave. Not wanting to keep on tormenting myself by watching those two together and happily. It would only hurt so why should I stay? However just as I was about to stand up and make up a dump excuse, the two come back into the dining room, hand in hand may i add! Feeling another sting in my heart at seeing this. Stephen was looking me straight in my eyes, he had an unreadable expression, a mixture of mischievousness and sadness.
„So G Callen, i guess we should thank you for jumping in front of the bullet shot at Hanna." he tells me sincerely. Hanna however only looks at him with furrowed brows.
„What are you doing!?" she asks him. None on the table however seems to understands, well no one except her teammates.
„What? Am I not allowed to thank the guy who catched a bullet for you?" he asks feigning innocence. She only shakes her head at him.
what is he on about Hanna?" David questions her while looking in between the other two in confusion.
oh! I think someone has a crush on her! A really huge one at that!" Stephen answers him with wiggling eyebrows. Her whole team immediately cat whistles at her.
„Please start with the cake, hope you enjoy it. Excuse me a moment." she says towards the rest of the table, before standing up and leaving towards the stairway.
„Why would you do that?" Tom asks Stephen angrily. Already standing up as well to follow after Hanna.
„Tom Wait." David says softly talking his hand in his. Hmm, interesting!
„Don't tom me! You didn't help her also did you!? And you all should be really ashamed of yourselves!!" he angrily tells them before marching off as well.
„Idiot!" David mumbles towards Stephen.
„Ok, what the heck did you just do to piss her off that much!? And you! I really thought you cared!" Spencer says pissed and marches off as well.
„Spencer Wait!" Stephen says already running after him looking pretty pale. We all only look on as Stephen grabs Spencer and pulls him into an empty room. Much to Morgan's annoyance.
„Mister Morgan, you May want to calm yourself. Stephen would never hurt either of them. They are like siblings, always watching out for one another, so you don't need to worry that he might hurt him." Hetty tells him soothingly laying a hand on his since he looks ready to run after them. He only nods once but still never letting the door out of his sight.
„We should start with the cake, knowing Hanna long enough she would feel awful when no one ate because of her." gibbs says with a heavy sigh while starting to cut the cakes. Reluctantly everyone took a piece from the honestly delicious cake, but with how this whole thing went, no one really was able to enjoy the cake. About 20 minutes later Spencer with Stephen along came back to the table as if nothing had happened and started to eat their share of cake as well.
she wants to talk to you Stephen!" came toms voice from the stairway. With a heavy sigh and a quick look towards Spencer he stands up and walked upstairs. Tom just demonstrative takes a seat away from David which makes him slouch down even more.
„Tom?" David softly asks, you easily could see the sadness in his eyes.
she is crying her eyes out up there! So don't think I am going to forgive either of you for this!" Tom seethes Black before turning his attention towards Spencer.
„Are you ok?" he asks him softly. Spencer only nods in appreciation before taking his hand in his.
„Is she ok?" he questions quietly.
„You know those two can act like cats and dogs, but at the end of the day you can't break them apart either." he explains Spencer with an encouraging smile.
„I guess so. Thanks!" Spencer says before handing Tom some piece of cake as well.

It now has become really quiet down here. No one knowing what to say or what to do for the matter.

After waiting another 15 minutes in complete quietness, I decided it's time to go upstairs as well. I may hurt myself even more by running into anything remotely like earlier in the kitchen. But I can't just sit here and wait till they come back down, especially since I don't know how Hanna is doing!
„Excuse me for a minute!" I say and stand up. Her team immediately went to protest but a stern shit it from Tom shut them up immediately. Well, seems like the shy little thing has a hell lot of power over those guys. Gibbs smirk also seems to confirm my suspicion.
Deciding to knock on the door before entering, not wanting to run I to anything to intim. Since there was no reply I just enter after a deep encouraging breath.
„Agent Callen. How may I help you?" Stephen asks with a crying and shaking Hanna crushed into his chest.
„I wanted to make sure Hanna was being alright after whatever happened down there." I answer him with untrusting eyes. She may hugs herself into him, but after what I have seen down there I am not so sure I want them to be here alone.
„I won't ever hurt her, even if you may not trust me! But I would never hurt her!" Stephen tells me with a sigh.
„If you say so. Spencer, Gibbs and Hetty are worried. I thought I Come here to make sure everything is alright before taking my leave." I tell them, making sure Stephen knows that there are people down there to hurt him really badly if he even dares to lay a finger on Hanna.
„Thanks for the meal. I hope you guys figure whatever is going on out!" I say ready to leave and go to my house to maybe crush down some walls...
„Wait!" a panicked Hanna says while curling herself around me.
„Don't go! Please don't leave me!" she literally begs me. Immediately pulling her closer I to me protectively before glaring at Stephen who only lifts his hands in the air.
„I didn't hurt her! Just said something I shouldn't have!" he tells me in an apology while sadly watching Hanna curled into me.
„S ok. I know you didn't mean to." Hanna mumbles into my chest while blindly reaching a hand backwards to Stephen. Relief run through him, like I have never seen before.
„She is like my little sister. Spencer and her are the only family I have, except the boys downstairs but that doesn't count." he explains to me. I only nod at his explanation, getting what he meant to say.
„I know what you mean. Had enough foster homes as well." I answer him. Feeling like I should share something personal as well after his confession. At first he looked shocked but than he only smiles at me with a nod.
„I am going to leave the two of you alone for a bit." he says. Softly kissing Hanna's head while whispering a love you to her.
„Love you to." She answers. Quickly hugging him again before returning into my arms.

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