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Spencer's pov:
After dad made sure Derek knows not to mess with me and giving Callen a stinky eye we settled down. Since we haven't been introduced with their team, Sam made sure we get to know each other. Deeks is a silly guy but he has a good head on his shoulders. Kensi seems really nice but is holding a lot of her feelings back. Her eyes however show a lot of them. Guess she is dealing with something hard at the moment. Oh, fuck I already start to analyze them. It's nearly impossible not to, but I guess it would be rude of me to do it. Nell and Erik are quite unique but really nice. Erik is a lot like me I guess. Nell is telling us about a security break in their system. Automatically I turn to Hanna and raise a eyebrow at her in question. She try's to look innocent for a second or two before she breaks into a wide smile.
„You really don't have to worry about the breach." she tells Nell softly. Seeing her eyeing her like she just said the dumbest thing on earth.
„Of course I have to worry about it!! Whoever got straight to our personal files!! They know everything about us, where we live what we do. Everything!! Maybe they even got informations on the safe house!!" she says worrying herself more and more.
„Nell, you need to calm down! Take some deep breaths! Everything is ok!" Callen crouches down in front of her. Trying to sooth her.
„I hacked into the system Nell! Needed to make sure that Sam and Callen really were who they said they where!" Hanna tells her soothingly.
„Wait! You!? But, how!? We weren't able to find out who it was or from where!" Nell looked shell shocked at Hanna, as do Erik, Kensi and Deeks. Well seems like there is another secret coming out today.
„I am good at hacking stuff. Some years ago I even made the internet crash." Hanna quietly answers.
„It was necessary thought!!" she quickly adds because everyone looks not only shocked but also confused and worried that someone could do that.
„Wait, that was your doing!? We tried to track that hacker down for nearly a year!" Erik says with his mouth wide open.
„She is a genius, it's simple as that." I tell them proudly.
„Seems the whole family are geniuses then?" derek asks, but also states proudly. Feeling my face instantly get bright red again, I went to hide it in Derek's wide shoulders, which makes him chuckle softly.
„So, we don't have to worry about the breach?" Nell asks to make sure. Not hearing an audible answer makes me think Hanna must of nodded instead.
„What was the cause then?" sam asks interested.
„It was for a special op, rescue mission to be exact. The problem was that they had hacked a satellite. It would of been difficult for us to get to the wounded agents and seals without being seen. So I hacked some of the major systems which makes the internet break down, safety protocol." Hanna says with a slight smirk on her lips. At least that what I could see from my hiding spot.
„After this we went in and got everyone out without a problem. We were able to captivate some of the assassins and brought home every seal and agent. So I would say it was a good cause. No one ever asked me about what I did and I never told. Well aside from bubbles and dad of course!" she finishes off with a slight shrug.
„Wait, which exact date was that?" sam asks suddenly paling as if remembering something.
„It was the 28 May 2016!" Owen suddenly answers, entering the living room behind Hetty. Sam looks shocked between Owen and Hanna. What is going on? Did I miss something? Looking at Derek in wonder, but he looks as confused as i and everyone else in this room.
„The Agent that was with the seals, that was me. That's how I met Hanna. Ever since then we kept in touch." he says flatly but his eyes tell his true feelings about it. The thankfulness is shining in them towards Hanna, who just once again shrugs.
„How comes that you knew about it?" Callen asks Sam irritated.
„Seals talk. Especially when they are the ones that needed to be rescued. It doesn't happen often, but when it happens, there is only one specific delta group that helps. No questions asked and no matter what happened." sam says in an ahed voice.
„Never knew they are this young nor that their leader was a girl." he adds still looking stunned at Hanna.
„Who says I was the leader?" she asked surprised. She never told anyone about her position.
„You hacked the internet, no one knew. So no one asked for ideas or told you to. And you not only did it to get them out, you did it to protect your team. You told me you left the unit a few months ago, there was talk about them losing their leader. So it is clear what your position was, at least for anyone who has some knowledge about them." he says never looking away from Hanna.
„You have a Good Head in your shoulders Mr. Hanna!" Hanna smirks at him.
„For a lifeguard." she adds and everyone starts to laugh at her sneaky comment. That's my bambam!! Always here to brighten to mood or get the attention on another topic.
„So what is the plan with Dracul Comescu?" kensi asked after everyone calmed down again.
„I guess it would be the easiest if I would go back to the grocery store. Knowing him long enough, I am sure he is still somewhere it that area." Hanna says matter of factly.
„I don't think that's a good idea bambam." I say and ran to her for a hug. I don't want her to do something dangerous again.
„I could go!" I instead offer. Which also got quick shouts of no from all around the room.
„That wouldn't be smart! He always wears weapons with him, you guys could get shot before we could interfere!" Callen says.
„I go, he wants me anyway so it still would work out!" he tells us.
„And you are bulletproof?" Hanna asked him pissed at his prior statement. She hates it when someone underestimates her abilities. I think the two of them are quit similar in that point.
„Guys, no one is going there by themselves! We need to outnumber him!" Deeks interrupts Callen's reply before he could say something stupid.
„You mean we all should go there? He would never show his face if we would be to many." Hanna answers him, but still deep in thoughts.
„I meant the two of you, or the three of you. That would surly make him come out of his hiding space!" Deeks try's to explain. Honestly, he really has a solid point there.
„The two of us then. Bubbles isn't going to get anywhere near him! After all he thinks he died already so it wouldn't do us any good." Hanna says, like always protecting me. I understand where she is coming from, but how should i let her go of like this.
„No! If you go, then I go to!!" I tell her stubborn.
„Hey! I appreciate it, but I think you would be a better help if you stay here. You made a profile of him, look for spots he most likely could be. Please bubbles!" she answers, nearly begging me to agree.
„Only under protest!" I answer after thinking everything through. She is way to stubborn to change her mind, so I at least want to be able to help here instead. Otherwise she would lock me in a safe room, and yes she definitely would do that!
„I stay here as well. Just to make sure everyone stay where the should and to have someone armed here to. Just in case!" derek says after some quiet time.
„That would be a really good idea! Hetty and Owen are going to stay here to, you guys are the backup if we need some." Hanna instructs. I know she would of preferred if dad would stay here to, but that won't happen anyway. The big smirk tells me he was thinking the same as me. Well I guess it's time to get this party rolling.

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