Getting out of the boatshed

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Hanna's pov:
A bit calmer after I was able to contact Spencer and tell him to hide, I went down the street to go to the beach. Looking at the time, I still have to kill a few hours before I could safely contact Hetty. This time I am going to need some help for sure. Those damn Comescu's nearly got me in the grocery store. Since I don't know if my house was detected or not, I can't go back there at the moment. Maybe I should go to the train station, get some of my stuff out of one of the lockers. On the other hand, if they are still following me, it wouldn't be wise nor safe. There was to much stuff in there that shouldn't be found by them. Hopefully they didn't have found my house, there are to many pictures of Spencer and me together. I would never forgive myself if something would happen to him. Looking once again at my clock, I was shocked at how long I must of spaced out. Getting up from the sand was a bit tricky after sitting for so long. Turning around, I was tackled from my side. Immediately fighting back with everything I have but stop when another guy points a gun at me. Just my luck that I got out without any weapons today....
The first guy handcuffed me, while informing me that they are taking me in for questioning. I was a bit surprised, not knowing if they are really agents or if they are some of the Comescus. Not making them any wiser of my ability to fight, I just do as they say. They keep on talking about bringing me to the boatshed, which rings a bell in my head. If it is the boatshed from NCIS, I definitely would be able to get out and straight to Hetty! Keeping my eyes on the outside, just to confirm my guess.
Within a few minutes I got placed in the interrogation room and was left alone. Bad move on there part to be honest. Hacking the camera system with my clock, lets just say it's more a computer than a clock, and make them repeat the last two minutes over and over. Standing up quietly and opening the „emergency exit" before jumping into the water beneath. I hurriedly swim to the shore and make my way to Hetty's safe house. Walking passt a callbox i decide to make a quick call to Hetty. Pushing in the numbers of her private phone and wait for her to take the call.
„Yes?!" she asks skeptical.
„Hello Hetty! I just wanted to tell you that I go to 10106." I tell her before heading off. I know that she would understand the code since she was the one that told us. Deciding to make a small detour and pick up some thinks from the bank safe. Having always been thaught to have some emergency kits hidden in different locations, pays of at situations like this. Now with dry clothes, a knife and a gun I finally head directly to the safe house. Making sure I wasn't been followed and avoid as many cameras as possible, it takes a bit longer but it's necessary. Hetty has not arrived yet, so I pick the lock since my key is still in my house. The immediate sense of home and safety surrounds me, soothing my nerves. I make my way to the living room to wait for Hetty. Closing my eyes for a quick nap.

Callen's pov:
When Hetty told us to keep our eyes out for this young women, I wanted to know who she was, but she didn't answer any questions we asked.  20 minutes later Sam pulls up by the beach. He points over to a small body sitting on the sand and looking out to the sea. We quickly yet quietly make our way closer to her. After confirming that she was the one we were looking for, we decide to put her in the middle of us so she wouldn't slip past us. Just when I went to get closer she suddenly stands up. I guess she was sitting there for quit some time because her legs were a bit uncoordinated. Taking that as our chance I tackle her to the ground. I didn't think she would put up that much of a fight but when Sam points the gun on her she surrendered. Putting her in handcuffs, we bring her to the car. Deciding it would be a good idea to bring her to the boatshed for interrogation, we drove off. Sam tried to start a conversation with her, but she ignored us completely. Something in me tells me she isn't dangerous to us. I don't know what it is but she seems kind of familiar. Where did I have seen her before? Something just doesn't feel right here!!! We brought her into the interrogation room and went out. Sam was watching the CCTV footage while I decide on calling Hetty to inform her that we found her.
„Mr. Callen, how may I help you?" she asks. There is something in her tone that doesn't sit right, she sounds worried, but why? What is she hiding from everyone? Even from me!
„We found her. Can you tell me now who she is and what's going on?" I ask her, hoping she would finally open up about it.
„That's good Mr. Callen! Would you please bring her to the boatshed? I will be there shortly." she says, completely ignoring my questions. Sighing deeply before making up my mind on what to respond.
„We already are at the boatshed. Hetty ether you tell me who she is or I go in to interrogate her myself!" I slightly threaten her, hating that I had to but I didn't know what else to do. Sam looks up shocked at my words.
„Mr. Callen, i appreciate your worry but as long as she stays in the boatshed, safely, everything will turn out alright. If you really wish to interrogate her, go ahead, I know she will not say a word." she says with a proud tone at the end. What is going on? Is she one of her former agents? How come I don't know!? She ended the call so I decided to test my luck and went to go in the interrogation room. To my utter disbelief she wasn't there anymore! The trapdoor was standing wide open but she was nowhere to be seen. Fuck!!
„Sam!!!" I shout out, I thought he was watching the CCTV! He ran in, gun out and in fight mode.
„Where is she?" he asks irritating. Looking at him like he is crazy.
„You were the one who was watching the CCTV! How could she get out unseen?" I asked him slightly pissed since I wanted to get answers.
„The CCTV is still showing her sitting here! If you don't believe me look for yourself!!" he answers angry at me for accusing him at not doing his job. Taking a deep breath i nod.
„Your right, i'm sorry! How are we going to tell that Hetty?" I ask him slightly scared since she just told me to keep her in here and safe. When my phone rings and it's Hetty, I seriously was thinking of just not answering but that won't do me any good.
„Hey Hetty!" I answer trying to sound normal.
„I know where she is heading to, so don't worry about it. I taught her to flee when possible and she helped with getting the boatshed ready for us. I'm heading to her right now. Have a nice evening Mr. Callen!" she says and ends the call again, leaving me more confused than ever.
„Hetty said she knows where she is heading to and that she is going there also. Apparently she herself taught her. Sam what is going on!?" I look at him completely confused and concerned about Hetty. We don't know where she is heading to, and the two of them are going to be alone, no back up no nothing! That doesn't feel right. Sam looks as irritated as I feel, so after waiting for a few seconds we decide to go back to the office. Maybe Erik or Nell know something or at least can track her. Just as we pull up I get a message from Hetty, asking me to pick someone up from the airport and bring him to one of her safe houses. Telling Sam about it, we instantly drive off to pick up, whoever it will be, from the airport.

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