Arriving in LA

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Spencer's pov:
Waking up from my phone ringing I pick up without checking the caller ID.
„Dr. Spencer Reid, how may I help you?" I ask still a little sleepy. Hearing a familiar chuckle makes me check the ID, just confirm my suspect.
„Hey pretty boy! Did I wake you?" he asks softly, as not to startle me.
„Yeah, I thought I could nap while on the plane. What are you calling for Morgan?" i ask him a bit irritated. Didn't i tell him I was taking a few days off of work?
„I just wanted to make sure you're ok. You seemed a bit off when we talked back at BAU. I am worried, so are the others." he again says in his soothing voice. Sighing deeply before answering.
„As i said back at BAU, I'm fine, you don't have to worry. Just a privat matter I need to handle on myself." I say, trying to stay as honest as possible without saying anything.
„You can trust me Spencer! Please tell me what's going on!? Where are you even going to?" he sounds hurt that I didn't trust him enough to tell him, but it is to dangerous. Not only would I put Hanna myself and Hetty at risk, no he and the team could also get targeted. That's something I can't risk!
„I'm sorry Derek, but it wouldn't be safe to tell you or the others. It's to dangerous, I'm sorry." I say before ending the call so he couldn't get any information out of me. Looking at the time I see we will be landing shortly. Not long and I can go out to look for Hanna! This time I would be there to safe her beforehand! When my phone starts to ring again I think it's Derek but it is Hetty. Hastily answering, hoping for good news!
„Did you find her?" I immediately ask her.
„She found me, Spencer. We are at 10106, I make sure some of my agents are picking you up." she answers soothingly. Feeling like the weight of the world fell from my shoulders at hearing the news that they are together now.
„Is she hurt?" I ask automatically, since she didn't said if she was or wasn't.
„She isn't hurt. Don't worry Spencer, not long and you can see for yourself!" The smile in her voice is clearly to hear, at least for me.
„What are the names of the agents? Should I tell them who I am, who I am to you?" I ask quickly so she won't hang up an me. Hearing her soft laugh at my questions, which are good questions! Logical ones!!
„Mr. Callen and Mr. Hanna are picking you up. If they ask, you can tell them that you work for the FBI, i'm sure they know your name since you already helped with one of our cases. Everything else I am going to tell them when you get here." she answers still amused at my questions I guess.
„Ok, thank you aunt Hetty!" I say thankfully for her help.
„You are very welcome Spencer, see you in a Bit" she answers before the line went dead. As if the pilot has waited for my call to end, he announces that we are going to land in 10 minutes.
Getting of the plane, I immediately am assaulted by the hot sun. Not really dressed for this warm weather, since back at home it was quit windy and cold. Seeing a black car pull up infront of me makes me take a step back. Not knowing if these are the agents or someone else, gives me an uneasy feeling. When two men get out of the car, introducing themselves as agent Callen and agent Hanna I release a breath that i didn't know I was holding.
„I'm Dr. Spencer Reid, nice to meet you!" I say while slightly waving at them, since I hate to shake hands.
„Nice to meet you to Dr. Reid! I hope you know where we are going, because I only got told to pick you up and get you to a safe house." agent Callen tells me. He doesn't seem happy about the situation, slightly distanced as if he is trying to figure something out.
„Do we know you?" Agent Hanna asks as i take a seat in the back of their car.
„Yes and no." I answer honestly.
„We never met in person, but I helped with some of your serial killer cases." I tell them while pointing out where to go.
„Wait, you are THE Dr. Spencer Reid!? The genius?" that Callen guy suddenly exclaimed loudly. Slightly cringing at the word genius, I seriously hate that word!! Still I nodded my head in answer.
„So why did you fly here? Do we have a serial Killer around?" Callen asks turning around to face me. He frightens me a bit with his intense stare. Agent Hanna says something to him which i don't understand, but he turns back around. Sighing quietly, not knowing what to answer.
„Hetty said she would tell you what is going on when we arrive at the safe house." I say softly. It's the truth and exactly what she told me to say. Hopefully they won't get angry at me for not telling them now. Seeing agent Hanna look at me from the mirror with slightly furrowed eyes. Awesome now they are both angry!
„So you are telling us that you are here for that girl? The one with Hetty right now?" he asks irritated but completely calm.
„I am! But because of safety reasons I can't tell you anything else. Like I said, Hetty will tell you when we get there." I try to explain.
„Is Hetty in danger?" Callen asks frightened. Oh, now I see why that name sounded so familiar!! That's that boy that Hetty saved, who is still working for her. Smiling slightly at my discovery, it makes me feel a bit safer around them.
„You are the one she saved back in Romania?" I ask him instead of answering his prior question. He turns around surprised at how I know of that information. Guess I should of kept my mouth shut. Just as he wanted to open his mouth my phone rings once again. Happy for the interruption I pick up immediately without looking at the caller ID again.
„Hey pretty boy! I give you the chance to tell me on yourself where you are, or I get Garcia to track you! I mean it pretty boy!!" Derek tells me determinated. Squeezing my nose with my thumb and forefinger, taking a few deep breaths before deciding to answer.
„If I tell you, you promise to not fly here as well?" i ask already knowing he won't agree, but I guess I could try.
„You know damn well I won't promise you pretty boy! I am worried, you don't act like yourself right now and I want to be there for you." he answers honestly. Shaking my head a bit, that guy is unbelievable!
„I am in LA and on my way to see Hetty, so no need to worry. Ok?" i tell him, trying to reassure him enough so he wouldn't fly here.
„Ok, i fly there with the next plane. Just make sure to wait for me before doing something crazy pretty boy!" he tells me and hangs up right after.
„Idiot!!" i mumble to myself. Seeing that we pull up infront of the safe house, I instantly get out of the car and run to the front door. It got thrown open and there stands Hanna, smiling brightly at me! I pull her into a tight hug, not wanting to ever let go again!
„How are you?" i ask worriedly looking her over quickly.
„I am fine Spenc! I thought aunt Hetty already told you that I was!?" she says, pulling me into the house while still hugging me. I immediately smell the soothing smell of home and safety. Hetty walks out of the kitchen when we place ourselves on the couch.
„Spencer! It's so nice to see you again!! Is it just me or did you grow again?" she says while pulling me into a hug.
„I'm sorry auntie! We had a lot of work so I couldn't come here to visit." I tell her sad that it had been so long since we were together. A throat got cleared behind us, turning around we see Agent Callen and Agent Hanna staying there confused.
„Hetty, what is going on?" Callen asks while keeping his eyes on Hanna suspiciously.

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