Lost Childhood

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Here is a new Book I'm working one based on STAR WARS. I've had this in my head for a long while so I hope you like it.

Kylo watched the funeral pyres until the roaring flames quieted to tiny dancing embers. The First Order left no survivors. To his dismay, he noticed that all the younglings were missing. He found no tracks of them leading to the empty desert so he assumed The First Order took them. All the rumors of the Missing Younglings were true. He sighed as he took shelter in one of the abandoned huts for the night and tried to sleep. It was moments like this where he was thankful he didn't have Master Kestis' gift to sense echoes of the past. He only imagined the horror this once peaceful village felt.

He he sensed for a long time that it was finally time to leave and he hoped Rey would forgive him for uprooting her from her home. It took years of building trust and friendship to create the only real home she's ever known. He hoped that once she saw all the Galaxy had to offer, she would lay her family to rest. So far he hadn't heard from Rey yet but at least Kimi was aware of what happened. Kylo tried his best to make himself comfortable for sleep in one of the sad empty huts. When sleep finally found him, he was greeted with a memory.

Ben leaned against the doorframe as he watched Poe angrily shove his clothes into a pack while grumbling about The New Republic. Ben and Jacen had been allowed leave to visit their family but Senator Organa Solo was busy trying to handle the "Vader Scandal" as the Holonet called it. Han and Chewie took time off from their work in Corelia to be with them. At the moment Jacen was with them tinkering on The Falcon while Ben tried to convince his best friend not to leave.

"Are you sure you're making the right choice?" He asked. "You're one of the best pilots the New Republic has!"

Poe sighed and stopped what he was doing. "It's just...it's not what I hoped it'd be." He folded his arms across his chest turned toward the Jedi. "I mean...aren't you pissed at how the New Republic is treating your family? Or how this terror group is gaining steam?"

Ben frowned. "Of course I'm pissed. But that doesn't mean I'm going to turn in my lightsaber. If anything it'll drive me to prove them wrong."

"But you don't have anything to prove, Ben." Poe insisted. "Neither of us do. The New Republic is one who has to prove they're different than before and so far I'm not seeing it."

Ben held up his hands in surrender. "Alright. Alright. So what are you going to do now?"

Poe shrugged. "Don't know. But I've been eyeing Kijimi after Han talked about it. I might try my luck there."

Silence filled the room. The young men realized that those childhood dreams of being Heroes of the New Republic were just that...dreams. Ben was the first to move, leaving his spot by the door to hug his childhood friend. Poe eagerly received the embrace and held him tight. Ben had a sinking feeling that this would be the last they saw each other for a long time.

"I guess you gotta do what's best for you." Ben pulled back and smirked. "Who knows. If the Jedi thing doesn't work, I might join you."

Poe laughed. "I doubt it. You'll be the best of them, Ben. I know it."

Kylo slowly woke with the dawn and wiped a tear from his eye. He hadn't thought about Poe since he went into hiding. He hoped that wherever he was, he was safe and happy. He quickly grabbed his belongings and jumped in his speeder wanting to put as much distance between him and the village as possible. He took one last look, Kylo slightly reached out to The Force hoping the souls lost to senseless violence would find peace.

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