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Here is a new Book I'm working on based on STAR WARS. I've had this in my head for a long while so I hope you like it.

Darth Caedus observed the fresh cadets of the new Sith Academy. It was glorious. The smallest younglings cried and held onto each other calling for their useless parents or guardians. The poorest, those who fought for survival on the street, were the only ones quietly observing their surroundings hoping to find a opportunity of escape. There were none. Soon they would be tested to see where they fit in this new Galactic Order. Those who showed great promise in The Force, were sent to the new Sith Academy to be trained as a Sith. They were to be the new guardians of a glorious empire. Those who were sensitive but had no real talent as a Force User were sent to be elite Death Troopers. These squads carried out assassinations, sabotage, and other top secret missions. The rest were sent to be regular Storm Troopers and programmed to be obedient and loyal weapons of war. He turned from the sniveling children and walked back to the War Room.

The War Room was a buzz with officers scrambling to decode messages, running simulations for possible battles, and analysts weighing the odds of cooperation from various star systems. It was too easy invading planets on the Outer Rim. Fear made them bow quickly while other planets run by Hutts and other Criminal Syndicates voluntarily reached out to the First Order and swore their allegiance...for the right price. Other planets practically begged to join to avoid conflict. He observed the holograms of star systems through his helmet. His helmet was bestowed upon him, as were the other students who followed him to the Darkside, as a symbol of their new lives. He patiently waited for his next appointment to arrive as he plotted the fleet's next course.

"My Lord Caedus," a feminine voice purred behind him.

"Lady Lumiya." He turned to face her. "Who have you brought to me?"

The Sith Lady was his closest ally in the beginning of his new life. She was a little older than he and carried herself like a queen. She had a talent for reading others' thoughts which made her an invaluable asset for negotiations and interrogations. She bowed her head and stepped aside motioning for a First Order officer to step forward. "Allow me to introduce General Armitage Hux."

The newly appointed general proudly stepped forward and offered a stiff salute. He was a tall man with flaming red hair and a stoic face. If he was nervous, he hid it well and Caedus was thankful for it. He always felt surface emotions from the people he interacted with. The base often reeked of fear but this general kept it in check. Rather than fear, Caedus sense something darker...a thirst for power.

Through Power I gain Victory...

"Clear the room." Caedus commanded making everyone jump into action and scurry away. "You as well, My Lady. I must speak with the general alone."

"Of course, My Lord." She bowed her head. "I'll see to testing the younglings." She gracefully glided from the room leaving the general alone with the Sith Lord.

"My advisors tell me of your cunning." Caedus began. "Tell me... what have you done to earn your place here?"

Hux stood straighter. "My family were loyalists of the Empire. They knew the value of law and order and the Emperor provided that. It was devastating when the Empire was broken into remnants. We stayed with The Remnant and vowed to help restore it to its former glory."

"So you are loyal to law and order." The Dark Lord mused. "Continue."

"Following my entrance into The First Order and the fall of the New Jedi Academy, I've set out various plans that will lead to the primary goal of ending The New Republic." Hux approached the hologram projector. "We started with small attacks here and there only using expendable fanatics. While the Rebellion's hero, Leia Organa Solo, cried for support no one truly believed her." He pointed at star systems that were conquered in the beginning. "We only focused on systems that the New Republic could part with. We've been luring them into a false sense of security."

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