Meeting Legends

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Here is a new Book I'm working one based on STAR WARS. I've had this in my head for a long while so I hope you like it.

Rey had never felt so alive. Of course she had the occasional run-in with poachers and slavers and had taken The Kyberheart for a spin, but it was nothing compared to the exhilarating feeling of dodging The First Order. Once she successfully launched the Garbage Ship into hyperspace Rey leaped out of the cockpit to look for Finn. He too crawled out of the gun turret to look for her. Both were smiling proudly talking over the other how great they were. Once the excitement died down a little, BB and Snips whistled to get their attention.

"You're right, BB." Rey rested her hands on her hips. "We gotta get you to The Resistance." She turned to Finn. "But first we gotta stop at Takadona. Is that alright?"

"Y-yeah." Finn internally sighed with relief. "The farther from The First Order the better."

"Great!" She turned to Snips. "Why don't you explore the ship and see to some smaller repairs." She eyed the rest of the ship wearily. "Something tells me this rust bucket won't make it."

Snips whistled happily and scampered away. Rey turned back to Finn. "Well, I guess we should poke around this place and see if there's anything useful."

Finn nodded and motioned for her to go first. Rey rolled her eyes and smiled. The Garbage Ship had seen better days. Some wall panels were missing exposing hazardous wires spitting small sparks every so often giving the faintest light as the hallway lights dimmed.

"Do you think they were planning on fixing this rust bucket?" Finn asked as he stepped over a gaping hole in the floor.

"From the looks of it they were getting ready to scrap her." Rey frowned.

BB whistled sadly as he looked around at the hanging wires and occasional sparks spitting at them. BB whistled and rolled toward a door that was ajar. Rey smiled, "what did you find?"

After a few attempts, Rey and Finn pulled the door open and stepped inside what looked like to be crew quarters. Finn poked around the bedding and found some scratches behind the cot. "Looks like kids must've live d here."

"What makes you say that?" She asked kept digging around the room, feeling like she needed to find something in the busted cabin.

"There's some initials here," Finn gave a sad smile thinking about where these people were now, "JS + TKD...wonder who they were."

Rey found a hidden compartment in the floor and popped it open. The creaking of the hinges and rust staining her fingers told her that this compartment hadn't been opened in years. She motioned for Finn to help her pull the compartment open. After a few tugs and a loud POP, the compartment door pulled free and revealed a small satchel. Hesitantly, Rey reached in and grabbed the wormed patched up bag. She hummed with curiosity as her hand grabbed a metallic cylinder object.

"Is that...?" Finn gasped.

"A lightsaber..." Rey stared at it in awe. "Kylo told me about these..."

"Is that your friend? Boyfriend? You got a boyfriend?" Finn blushed as he stammered.

Rey rolled her eyes. "No, but..."

Suddenly Snips burst into the room, bouncing on one foot then the other screeching as loud as he could while BB also rolled in screeching just as loud.  The Garbage Ship's navicomputer alerted them that another ship was coming.

"Do you recognize the ship?" Rey asked, "Did you contact The Resistance? Will they meet us at Takadona?"

BB shook his head and beeped sadly. The communications malfunctioned after contact with The Kyberheart ended and the ship's systems are so damaged the droids were unable to identify the coming freighter waiting to board.

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