Trouble Always Finds Me

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Here is a new Book I'm working one based on STAR WARS. I've had this in my head for a long while so I hope you like it.

Rey and Snips stealthily scaled the fallen Destroyer half buried in the scorching Jakku sands. Snips offered extra light while Rey began the tedious work of digging for parts in the wall panel. She clipped away at some wires and tugged on a cylinder buried in the mess.

Snips beeped excitedly making Rey smile. "You're right. It's right in the back. Looks like other scavengers overlooked it."

She quickly tucked it into her pack and began her descent back down the Destroyer's skeleton. It's was a successful day and Rey was eager to get back to Niima Outpost and get to work cleaning parts. Rey monitored the position of the sun and realized that it was the perfect time to leave and avoid poachers. The scorching sun would keep them in their holes for a while longer. She wasn't as chatty as usual but Snips didn't push her. Only the echoes of her footsteps and clanging equipment filled the silence. He knew the decision to leave Jakku was a big one and it wasn't something his partner would make lightly. As he observed her, the little droid thought he saw similarities between Rey and Kimi as if analyzing a particularly difficult calculation. Silently, she loaded her loot onto her speeder and took off with Snips comfortably resting on her back.

Once they arrived at Niima Outpost, she hunted for a place under some shade to begin scraping her loot clean. As she scrubbed away she observed the granny who sat in the same spot day after day cleaning parts for measly portions.

You don't want to be like the old granny at Niima Outpost, do you?

Rey shook her head and continued her work. She thought about the adventures Kylo had and how he always asked if she wanted to come. Always. Her imagination took flight as she thought of lush green planets and oceans that met the horizon. She smiled and knew her decision. They could always come back and see if her parents stopped by. They could even pay the kind granny to keep her eyes and ears open for them. Determined with her decision, she gathered loot to trade for portions. Snips clutched her back as she gathered her measly half portions for the day. Sadly, they didn't get as much as they hoped. Sometimes Rey thought Unkar Plutt did it out of spite because everyday he offered more portions for Snips and everyday she refused.

With the setting sun she drove back home to The Kyberheart. She gazed at the desert landscape as she drove home but something caught her eye in the distance. Snips beeped in excitement seeing a BB Unit in distress. Quickly Rey drove to the scrapper wrestling with the willful BB Unit. Snips jumped off her back scrambled to the BB Unit while Rey chased off the scrapper. The alien growled at her but relented and went his own way.

Rey turned to the droids and helped Snips remove the net the BB Unit was tangled in. "You alright, little guy?" She observed the little droid and noticed the poor thing's antennae. "Oh! Here let me fix that for you?" Snips chirped at the orange and white droid asking if he was lost. The little droid beeped in reply saying he was looking for someone in Niima Outpost.

"Really?" Rey reattached the droid's antennae. "Who sent you to Niima Outpost? There's not much there besides busted ships and parts."

The droid spun around and whistled making Rey furrow her brow. "Lor San Tekka sent you for Kylo and I?"

The droid chirped happily and rolled around her forcing Snips to take his place on her back. "Yes, I'm Rey. My partner is Kylo, he was on his way to Tekka's village. You know what? We better get out of here before it gets dark. It's safer in our ship."

The BB Unit was hesitant and turned to Snips. He continued to whistle his instructions about going to Niima Outpost.

"I know what your instructions are," Rey sighed, "But you missed Kylo by miles. He was already on his way. He'll be back tomorrow and then you can tell us what's going on. Is that fair?"

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