A Padawan

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Here is a new Book I'm working one based on STAR WARS. I've had this in my head for a long while so I hope you like it.

Rey gazed at the stars and wondered about what new adventure Kylo was on. She let her imagination soar with lush green planets and dangerous cantinas. In the last year, a Mandalorian came to Nima Outpost looking for Kylo. The piloting job he offered would bring plenty of credits, food, and parts for their droids. At first she was scared that history would repeat itself and she would be left alone on this desolate planet again. However, Kylo came back with a mountain of gifts and hours of stories to tell. He even brought back something he called a Kyber Crystal. It's shined brightly in the Jakku sun giving off vibrant colors. She noticed that it was cool in her hand as if it knew she needed the soothing cold against her skin. It was her favorite gift from her scoundrel friend.

So when The Mandalorian returned, Rey wasn't afraid again. In fact, she encouraged him to go. She saw how he looked at the starry sky with longing and knew that he missed soaring amongst the stars. Although, it seemed Kylo thought about her feelings before the trip and gave her a new communicator that allowed them to keep in touch. She didn't have to count the days he was gone. Rather a quick "how are you?" was enough to ease her fears.

"Miss Rey," a droid called her from The Kybetheart, "Sir Kylo insisted that you practice meditation before you go to bed."

"Ugh," Rey rolled her eyes as she marched back to the security droid waiting for her, "I'm coming, Kimi. How's Snips?"

The security droid tilted her head. "The little devil is charging quietly in the garage for once."

Rey laughed. "Oh, you love Snips."

"Absolutely not." The droid insisted. "Now please practice your meditation while I check the moisture vaporators and check the perimeter."

Rey grumbled some more and took her position in the recreation area. She always found this practice silly but Kylo insisted that it would help her with her techniques. Most of the time she let her mind wander to random things. During this session, she thought about her new companions. With Kylo gone, the BD Unit and Security Droid were her only friends.

Their lives greatly improved with their new droid companions. The BD Unit proved to be an invaluable tool and friend. It was strange how Rey quickly adapted to this new family that she built, quite literally for some members. BD proved to be the best scavenging partner she could ask for. The little droid snuggly hugged her back and followed her everywhere. It even created schematics of the wreckage she scavenged so she knew which zones were safe and which weren't. The little droid even created an algorithm to predict which parts she found would gain the most portions. So far his predictions were mostly correct. Although he only spoke in beeps, it was nice to talk to someone while she worked so much so that calling the droid BD didn't sit right with Rey. The little droid had a spunky attitude that made her laugh. So in honor of her first meeting with Kylo, she named him Snips. The little droid took to his name a little too well.

The Security Droid proved to be a challenge for both Kylo and Rey. Some of the parts they needed couldn't be found amongst the decaying battlefield. Over the years, scavengers already traded the better droid parts for portions. Sadly, the poor droid was just a talking head and torso for the longest time. Its designation was K-1M1 and Kylo decided Kimi was a more appropriate name for their new friend. Since she didn't have a proper body, Rey and Kylo began working on her programming. Kylo spent his spare time on finding the perfect programming for Kimi. He found a Tutor program for Rey so she would have some formal education, a language program consisting of one hundred languages, a medical program, a protocol/service program, and a combat program consisting of lethal and non-lethal force. Rey insisted that non-lethal be the primary protocol before lethal force be used. For the longest time, poor Kimi thought she wouldn't find a functioning body. Luckily, the jobs he took with The Mandalorian provided the parts needed to build her a proper body. Although, her colors were mismatched. One arm was green, the other was black, and both legs were red. Snips liked to tease her about her appearance, claiming she was the silliest looking security droid he ever saw. But Rey thought that it gave her personality.

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