Old Smuggler Tricks

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Here is a new Book I'm working one based on STAR WARS. I've had this in my head for a long while so I hope you like it.

Kylo maneuvered the Razor Crest as The Mandalorian instructed. The supposed bounty was hiding in a mining colony on an asteroid belt. Interference from the surrounding asteroids caused the navigation screens to fizz on and off making it near impossible to use the ship's navigation systems. Any other pilot would growl in frustration but he trusted The Force and his skills as a pilot. He learned from the best smuggler in the galaxy. He'd probably laugh if he could see me now. Kylo mused.

"Razor Crest, come in." The Mandalorian's voice crackled over the intercom.

"Razor Crest, here."

"Ready for pick up. We're coming in hot." The Mandalorian's voice was strained.

"Acknowledged." Kylo made quick work in the pilot seat and steered the ship to his partner's homing beacon. "Get ready to hop in."

Kylo dove the Razor Crest down to the landing pad that glowed from blaster fire. His sharp eyes spotted the Mandalorian holding his own against what looked like a small gang of angry miners. Without looking, Kylo clicked a few buttons opening the ramp to allow The Mandalorian and his prize to climb in. Some blaster bolts scorched the inside of the ship and ricocheted off the walls. Behind him he heard someone yelp in pain and the other yell at him to take off. As swiftly as he came in, Kylo pulled out of the mining facility and into the asteroid belt. While Kylo maneuvered the ship around the asteroids, The Mandalorian subdued the bounty.

Kylo ignored the clashing and cries coming from the cargo hold knowing that the bounty hunter was more an capable of handling himself. After a while The Mandalorian finally plopped down in the co-pilot seat. "He won't be giving us trouble for a while." The bounty hunter stretched his arms above his head. "He'll sleep like a baby until we reach the Guild."

"Alright." Kylo smiled and turned back to the controls. "Next stop..."

The navi-computer shrieked in alarm. A large Star Destroyer came out of hyperspace just outside the asteroid belt. The comms crackled to life as a voice spouted orders over every channel. "By order of the Supreme Leader Snoke, The First Order is commandeering this mining facility. Resistance will be met with swift death. All vessels in the area are to surrender to the custody of The First Order."

Kylo felt cold. It was as if the same presence that haunted him his entire childhood came back with the voice over comms. He shook his head and sprung into action. He quickly weaved the ship up, down, and around the asteroids hoping to put some distance between the Razor Crest and the star destroyer.

"Slow down before you get us killed!"

"Don't tell me how to pilot! I know what I'm doing!"

Kylo finally found what he was looking for. One of the larger asteroids came into view and he quickly landed inside of its crater. If they were having trouble their their sensor then the star destroyer was too. Once he know the ship was secure he turned off everything on the ship except for life support systems and a muted navi-computer. He looked the bounty hunter and held a finger to his lips. The Mandalorian nodded in acknowledgment and kept his eyes on the computer. The interference from the asteroids might give them enough cover to go unnoticed by this new threat. They watched as the larger blip on the screen come closer and closer to their position. Kylo closed his eyes and attempted to control his breathing.

Trust The Force.

The blip passed by their position and continued towards the mines. Kylo manned the controls once more and quickly piloted the ship out of the asteroid belt. The second they were free from the dangerous asteroid field they entered lightspeed and into safety. Once they were in the safety of the stars, Kylo switched on autopilot and collapsed back into his seat.

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