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Here is a new Book I'm working on based on STAR WARS. I've had this in my head for a long while so I hope you like it.

"Don't do this!" Ben implored the figure in front of him. The inferno raged behind the dark figure casting a giant shadow around the two opponents. Only the glow from the their two blue lightsabers revealed the yellow eyes glaring back.

"Why not?" The figure scoffed. "Everything we were told...everything we were brought up to believe in was a lie!"

Ben tightened his grip on his saber. "That's not true..."

"Don't be naive!" The figure shouted as he stepped forward. "They were afraid of us...of our power. They were trying to restrain us..."


"They wanted to use us as their puppets!"

"You're wrong!"

"Peace is a lie!"

The figure swung his saber at Ben forcing him back. Each blow was stronger than the last and harder for Ben to parry. The Force cried at the fear, confusion, and fury. It was as if the rage of each attack fueled the blaze behind them. It roared and rose higher and higher as if the flames wanted to claw the clear starry sky. The yellow eyed figure continued to push Ben back into the dense forest, toppling down trees and vines in their wake, until Ben was standing near the edge of a cliff.

"I don't want to kill you." Yellow Eyes said and offered his hand. "I want us to work together. Build a better galaxy just like we always talked about."

There was a long pause between the two. Only the hum from their lightsabers, the cries from the students, and the crumbling Jedi Temple filled the silence. Ben knew that there was no going back. No matter what path he chose, the world and future he worked so hard to build would be gone. He reached out to The Force hoping to find the link he shared with his mother. Her comforting energy warmed his chest and soothed him for the moment. 'Goodbye.' He sent her before switching off his saber. He looked into the Yellow Eyes and the hand offered to him. He shook his head, at peace with his choice.

The next thing Ben knew was a hot pain in his chest followed by the sensation of falling.
Ben's navi-computer beeped, alerting him that he was about to drop out of hyperspace. He sighed and rubbed his eyes. Normally meditation brought some peace to his troubled mind but lately all he saw were Yellow Eyes glaring back at him. Although he didn't find complete peace during this session, it served its purpose. He gingerly touched the bacta bandages covering the ugly gash across his chest. Meditation healed the broken bones, bruises, and scraps from the fall. It was only the lightsaber injury that was taking the longest to heal. He didn't understand why he was alive. He was struck down with a lightsaber and he fell off a cliff. Why was he alive?

Trust in The Force, his master's voice reminded him.

Whatever The Force's reason, Ben was alive and he needed a plan to stay that way. His next stop was Takadona. A great place for bounty hunters, smugglers, and other scoundrels to make, and lose, some credits. Ben groaned through the pain as he straightened up and took control of his ship. After punching in some codes, he landed with ease. He quickly gathered whatever he didn't want to leave behind and hoped he would get a good price for his ship. He needed to make his credits last as long as possible.

Path of the Gray {Book One}Where stories live. Discover now