Last Stop, Jakku

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Here is a new Book I'm working one based on STAR WARS. I've had this in my head for a long while so I hope you like it.

As much as Kylo enjoyed the hustle of Nal Hutta, he was relieved to get out. If he stayed any longer, he knew the Hutts or some other gang would want to recruit him into their crew. He thought about his old friend Poe and his crew on Kijimi. If The Force hadn't shown him the vision of an abandoned girl in the harsh desert, he would have flown to Kijimi and gotten lost in the fast paced life of a Spice Runner. His father probably would have been proud of his son choosing a smuggler's life. He hoped Poe was safe as much as a smuggler could be and he hoped someday they would see each other again.

While The Kyberheart was in hyperspace, Kylo took the opportunity to practice his forms with the vibroblades he purchased while listening to the holonet.

"Computer, play Holonews." He said as he activated the floating training droid. He kept the setting on low to warm-up and parried the non lethal blaster bolts.

"Today former Senator Leia Organa Solo addressed the New Republic Senate about the threat of the small terrorist organization calling themselves The First Order. Investigators suspect that these terrorists are also responsible for infiltrating the New Jedi Temple and massacring its students. However, the former Senator's concerns were ignored. Majority of the Senate believe that, as unfortunate as the loss of the Jedi Temple was, The First Order is no great threat..."

"Computer, turn Holonews off." Kylo growled as a bolt struck him on the shoulder. The Holonews ceased broadcasting leaving Kylo to his building frustration. They called the murder of his friends and family 'unfortunate'. It was a tragedy. A massacre. With each angry thought, Kylo felt the cold Darkness creep into his heart.  It made no sense and he knew that the New Republic would suffer. He switched off the training droid and tried to control his breathing. Trust The Force...There is no emotion, There is peace...

Kylo felt the cold in his chest leave but only to be replaced by an ache. It wasn't the scar from a Sith lightsaber. It was the ache that came with losing his family. He missed his cousins, his aunt, his friends, and he missed his parents. More than anything he wanted to go home, but he knew it was impossible given that they all feared his power since he was a small child. They all thought it was him who would be lost to the Darkside. Kylo was afraid that somehow they might still look at him with the same fear and suspicion in their eyes. Maz said that family might surprise him, but at the moment he couldn't believe it. Instead of looking back, he decided to look forward once he finally stepped on Jakku.

"I should let the past die." He told himself. "Kill it if I have to." He heard the alert from the ship that he was about to drop out of lightspeed. He put his vibroblade away and headed back to the cockpit. He sat in the pilot's seat and fiddled with the pair of dice that used to hang on the controls to the Millennium Falcon. On an impulse, he took it from the Falcon when he was told he and Jacen were leaving for Uncle Luke's Jedi Academy. He rarely spent time with his father in the first place but he wanted something that was his to hold onto. "Well..." he smirked. "Maybe I'll keep this piece alive." He twirled the dice in his hand and quickly looked around for some cord to wrap it around. He found some thin rope used to tie off small cargo and tied off the dice to hang around his neck. Satisfied he returned to the controls and piloted the ship to the surface of Jakku.

A quick scan of the terrain showed that there were some small villages and an outpost but the villages were great distances from each other. There were vast sand dunes and Rocky Mountains. There were fallen star destroyers, TIE fighters, X-Wings, and various bombers that littered the landscape. No doubt the locals spent majority of their time tearing the remnants of past battles down to the bones. Choosing to take the high ground, he landed on clearing in the mountains. It was the perfect location between Nima Outpost and a small village. His speeder would do in getting to and from Nima Outpost. Now it was time to scout the area and figure out who was in charge and if he could make possible allies. It looked like scavenging was the primary employment offered but sleazy places like this always had other interests like swoopbike racing, bounty hunting, hacking, and smuggling cheap spice. Taking a deep breath, he holstered his blaster, strapped a vibroblade on his back, and critiqued his appearance in a mirror. The young man smirking back at him was completely different than the scared boy at the Jedi Temple. He looked like a rough confident scoundrel with a thirst for adventure rather than the scared shy boy too worried about what other thought of him.

Path of the Gray {Book One}Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant