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********************I'm sorry I haven't updated i've just been really busy lately but I finally updated. I've got an idea for another story so be expecting that. I don't know if it will be a mb story it may not be but it shall be very intresting. But anyway heres the chapter enjoy****************

*Amber Pov*

I walked into my apartment and walked straight into kitchen. I set my purse on the the counter and grabbed a water bottle out of the refrigerator and grabbed an apple. I sat at the island and ate my apple as I thought about that bitch Elle. I've been plotting and planing for a while now on how I want to set her up and I haven't came up with a good plan yet. I heard my front door open and I instantly knew who it was. His foots steps became louder and louder as he walked through the kitchen. "Hey sis" "Hey Craig" I said as I bit into my apple . "What you doin?" "Nothing just thinking." " Nobody touched you did they, cause i'll kill they ass if they did?" He said as he stood up. "No calm down, but hey what you doing tomorrow I wanna hang out?" "I have to go to practice with Elle and them and I don't know when we gone end practice."

Oh my gosh I can't believe my own brother is hanging with the enemy. "Really Craig." I said while getting up to throw my apple away. " Yea, I know, and her bitch ass boyfriend Trey gone be there two, but it'll be a matter of time for her to find out what his true background is." He said with a hint of annoyance and anger in his voice. " Ugghh I don't know how you can danc-" wait a minute I think this could help me. "Craig can you do me a favor?" "Sure whats up" "Record every practice yall have." " Why?" "Lets just say I got something for miss Elle." I said with a devious smile. Craig instantly knew what I was up to and gave me a reasurance that he was all up for it. I will not let her come up into my school and take my shine. I want her life to be missrible, I want her to feal pain just like she caused me. Yea I didn't forget that sucker punch either. She will get what she deserves, and I know just the person that can help us.

*Elle's Pov*

I was hanging with Jaz and Moe at the mall and so far I'm having a good time. Its been a long time since me and Moe actually hung out together, since I was with the crew. Just thinking back I wonder what happen to me and Moe. Its like after I broke my ankle and quite the show we stopped talking. We used to always hang out together. We were really close, like we were sisters. She hasn't changed one bit out of all these years. She's still her crazy self, but I don't know there is one thing different about her, but i'm not gonna worry about it. Jaz seems like a real chill person. Even though I just met her I can see we're gonna get along real well.

"Has anybody noticed all these fine as boys." Jaz said looking at the guy that past her. "And haven't you noticed you got a man." Moe said while raising her brow at Jaz. " But it don't hurt to look." "You a trip" I said while laughing at Jaz comment. "Speaking of boys whats up with you and Trey?" Moe asked. "Yea you been glowing all day day." Jaz asked suspiciously. My face started heating up and I could tell my face was as red as a tomatoe. "Oh my gosh you got it in last night!" Moe said with a big grin on her face. "OOOO I KNEW IT ITS ABOUT TIME YALL-" "Shhhhh damn Jaz calm yo monkey ass down. I don't want the whole world yo know." "I'm sorry but girl tell me all about it." "Ummm we are not finna have this conversation." " Why not was he not good or something?" Moe said slick laughing.

"Nooo trust that wasn't a problem." "Then come on tell us." Jaz said practiculy begging. I laughed then finally gave in. "He was amazing." " What about his dic-" "Ok Jaz were done with this conversation." "Ok so what about you and Prince, hows he in bed since you hounding Elle with questions?" Moe asked. "Wait you and Prince are together?" I asked confused. "Yea for about a year and to answere your question Moe Prince is great in bed. His dick and tongue game on point. He be-" "Ok too much info." Moe said in disgust. I laughed at Moe and Jaz and stopped as we were getting closer to the front entrance. "I need to go get something so i'll see you all later." I said walking backwards. "Alright" Moe yelled. "See ya tomorrow" Jaz yelled.

Shall We Dance (A Roc Royal love story)-ON HOLDTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon