32- broke my heart

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mark's eyes filled with fresh tears as he whimpered out, "yes.."

"and you can't change that now- he's here and he's looking for you. so you have to be strong, show him how well you're doing now, that you never needed him to be happy."

shaking his head, mark replied, "he'll see right through it.. h-he knows me too well.."

"then i dunno mark, kiss someone if you have to, just make it known that he's nothing to you now... otherwise you'll just feel sad forever."

mark laughed sadly, "since when were you so wise?"

she chuckled, watching as he stood up on shaky legs, "i like giving advice."

"well..." mark smiled, which only seconds prior had felt impossible, "thank you."


the minute he arrived back at wingate, he was met by a flurry of jackson and bambam, each clamoring around him excitedly. he shrugged them off, annoyed, as they followed him all the way to his apartment talking over one another.

mark sighed, "..what?!"

jackson smirked as he wrapped an arm around mark's shoulder, "there's a new yellow, and he's looking for you."

mark brushed him off with a groan, unlocking his apartment as bambam nodded quickly, "he was literally desperate, all like 'omg where's mark tuan have you seen him?' .. like.. way to bring attention to yourself newbie."

they entered mark's apartment as mark refused to say anything, confused as to why it hadn't twigged in bambam's brain that the 'new yellow' was the cheating boyfriend he had told the younger about. still, he set about delving into a chocolate bar that wheein had given him as jackson and bambam whispered to each other.

"hey mark, who do you think it is?" bambam eventually asked, "we watched him come in with this dude in like a balaclava or something and like.. he looks way too rich to be here."

bambam's eyes widened, "is he from america?!?"

mark shrugged, "i..um.. dunno, did you catch his name?"

"nah me and yugyeom couldn't get close enough without him freaking out and running away.... seriously what is up with your life?!"

"i don't know bam.. it's just one shitty thing after another at this point."

during the exchange, jackson had sat back with an intense look on his face, and as mark and bambam continued to bicker and talk about the mystery man, jackson started to figure things out.

"you know who he is already don't you?" he said accusingly, "have you known this whole time?"

"no i... i-"

jackson raised an eyebrow.

"okay fine i know who it is."

bambam's excitement increased ten fold, "oh my god mark! who is heeeeee?!"

mark couldn't bear to look bambam in the eyes as he said, "youngjae. my boyfriend from america." so he opted for staring at the floor nervously.

he felt bambam's entire mood shift as soon as the words left his mouth and heard him stutter out an "o-oh.."

jackson, on the other hand, looked even more confused asking, "who?!" and bambam smacked him on the shoulder to silence him before whispering in his ear, probably recounting the story of youngjae cheating.

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