13. Sticks and Stones May Break My Bones But-- Oh Look! A Hat!

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The last thing Maya needed as a goodbye gift was reading material, but that didn't stop the others from hoisting an entire duffel bag's worth of super-sized torture objects from the local library onto the table

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The last thing Maya needed as a goodbye gift was reading material, but that didn't stop the others from hoisting an entire duffel bag's worth of super-sized torture objects from the local library onto the table.

Which is why, after an hour of trying-- and failing-- to stuff Maya with life-saving information, she found herself bracing for contact with the ground for the sixtieth time in fifteen minutes.

Kaythen told her that was four times a minute, which, she should have guessed by the look on his face, that it was not good.

"Oof!" she groaned, flipping over and grabbing her dagger from the ground as she squinted up at Kaythen in dismay.

"Why are we doing this?" she complained, losing the will to stand and instead plopping back onto the ground, regardless of the fact that her hair was now filled with sand. "Can't I go watch Zoalan and Teo chase Val around? She just painted Zoalan's stethoscope pink and stole Teo's gummy bears!"

The waves from the lake lapped at the shore and barely scraped against her fingers, magically not making the sand the slightest bit wet.

Kaythen wiped a thin sheen of sweat from the top of his brows as he let his sword lower to the ground. "And why do you wish to watch something so trivial and absurd?" he questioned.

"It's more entertaining?"

"And in doing so, you would increase your likelihood of getting yourself killed on your quest." he shot back, matter-of-factly. "It's like you're not even trying."

"And here I am stuck with the buzzkill of the century," Maya grumbled under her breath.

"What was that?"

"Nothing!" she said quickly, dusting off her pants and getting up.

Apparently, training on beachy areas improved performance by 367.7829%, which, by the way, was a totally made-up number, but why did they even have training grounds in the first place?

"It is a rather special lake, my dear," Coach had patiently explained when she asked. "In the war against humans, aeons ago, such events transpired that even those of us with abilities far beyond human comprehension needed something to stop the bloodshed. This lake, was birthed on earth from the spirits of water that helped in the war, and after peace was restored by the masters, was used to wipe human minds of all magical knowledge and was brought down here by the patron Master of Achillia: Acheala.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2020 ⏰

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