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I fear not of fear, but evanescing quietly into rage

Breaking the beacon of light I had found lately

I love not of lovely, but losing the one due to my foolery

Drawing the blinds over my senses.

He said "I'm not leaving with so few memories"

I cried not of cry-babies, but a quick recovery cackle

For he walked out with my heart incomplete

But left the lessons to tackle the world.

I trust not of tears, but thunder from violent skies

Such sliders into cheeks of treachery.

She said, "I'll stay"

Instead went away when her boyfriend came

The father said, "I'll support you."

But it's not enough

For the questions are long winters

Isn't poetry what medicine are for people?

"Where is it?"

I smile not of service, but a warfare symphony

For I've known the difference between knowing and knowledge,

See, I never knew anybody till I knew you

But I had the knowledge of everybody before you

Pinning me to the wall and resurrecting me

Before demons who should've instead

Walked the wire.

I was choking on the ground

My dead body rose, gently

And wept on the typewriter nearby

Necktie, tottering, clack, gooey, increased, Paquin, signing-

All at once- jerked on my vision

And wrote the face of my future

A Believer- Climbing the tallest walls

Tempting the open doors and electrified cables

Pleading the guillotine, the devil and the radioactive

To let me in,

I'm a believer

I'm a republic of 18 guns

You made me one

So I took the leap and took what comes

Felt the rush of the hour

Wiped my make-up for a fresh start

To blow the system—GONE

Split in two, one the new and the other—FOOLISH

Because for old times sake, the foolish talk life into reverence

I rose up, in search for translation

And walked into more existence.


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