The Other Side of Pandemic

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Her manifest charm and proven strength

Buried under the human chaos

Filled with the rudeness of pollution

And breathless traffic jam.

The world is in quarantine

Just as double faced as chlorine

With skillets and mops and family contact

While pandemic is in full phase

Wiping the human continents.

Daddy said, "Always have a vision"

And the vision is breaking lately

With people dying

On foreign lands and our Indian abounds

But have you seen her cleaner around?

With fresh breath kisses on tree tops

And counting stars when bars have been closed

The bookshelf suffers less dust

Recurring the rock 'n roll of the start

Old values are coming back

Such as togetherness in a 5 pm clapping hands

With strict rules to contain population

The flowers are blooming afresh

Without our devastation

And we don't know how to quit anymore

Death rises in exponential numbers

But quite strangely

Nature has found a way

To reclaim itself.


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