Wrong Era

105 12 3

Nodding by the fire

With eyes full of sleep

I play the maudlin jukebox tune

Of the olden memories

Perhaps the ones I never lived

Yet my heart set on

For handwritten letters folded in wax

For radio madness swimming miles

For stones thrown in bedroom windows

Filling the vacancy of the mind.

Why did yesterday have to go anyway?

Have I failed this world

Or craving for the gone makes me a failure?

Such rainy days and coffee house adda

Where nature were a poetic gaga

Where late nights on Facebook and cold shoulders on the streets

Weren't the ways of showing love

Where music was new and old and meaningful

Where picnics on weekends was the lonely Netflix streaming

Where all of us were simple and full

Yesterday used to be so noise free

Why did it have to go anyway?

I have ink stains on my fingers

If only I could be old for once

And live the thousand yesterdays I missed

Perhaps the world is made and

Made to never change

Sudden yesterdays gone

And I sit here an ancient soul

Living amongst the grey people

Thinking of hiding away

Perhaps I'm born in the wrong age.


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