Dates! Dates!! Dates!!!

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     "Good morning. I wish you'll have a good day." - 09:02am

     "Laolu." - 11:15am

     "Hey💜." - 12:31pm

     "OlaOluwa Badmus David!!!" - 12:40pm

     "Your number is off. I am worried.☹️" - 02:16pm

     "How can you not be online when someone needs you?😒" - 03:02pm

     "Even if you don't want to come online. You can't even reach out to someone. It's obvious I don't count like that.😡" - 03:05pm

     Girls and emotional blackmail! I rolled my eyes. I was working. Her thoughts have been on my mind all day. I have spent just a month here on this movie project but we FaceTime everyday, talk about our day and all and now she is nagging because I was not online for some time. I sighed and dialed her number. She rejected my call. I went back to WhatsApp and saw that she just updated her status. I tapped the video call icon to call her but she declined. Mama don vex o. I closed my chats and went on Instagram.

     That night, around 8:00pm, the gatekeeper at Siri's place opened the gate for me. I walked the short distance to her flat and knocked on her door. Ella opened it for me in seconds.

     I greeted, "Hey Ella."

     She replied, "Mr Makanaki."

     I laughed and said, "You are not serious. How are you?"

     Ella answered, "I am okay. How was your traveling?"

     I said, "Very fine, thank you. Is Siri in?"

     Ella said, "Sure. Sorry, come in. Bad manners."

     I went in.

     "She is in her room. The door by the left." She pointed and I appreciate d,

     "Okay. Thanks." I went to find the door and knocked on it.

     Siri's voice came through, "Come in."

     "Hey Beautiful." I said as our eyes met. She was surprised obviously as she tried to comport herself but still stuttered,

     "Wh...what are you doing here?"

     "I came to see you and I brought a peace offering, your favourite." I said, closing the door.

     "Cupcakes?" She asked as I went to sit on the bed beside her.

     "Yes." I affirmed.

     "Strawberry and chocolate?" She asked.

     "All included." I confirmed.

     "I can't believe you are tricking me to forgive you." She said as she opened the package.

     "What was my offence exactly?"

     "You don't know?" She asked me and I shook my head, negative.

      "You left me here for the past one month and then you were not online, I was worried." She complained.

     "I had to put off my phone and fully concentrate on the last part of the movie." I explained.

     "How was it anyway? I take it you are done?" She asked grudgingly.

     "Fine and yes, we are. How's my baby doing? Hope you are not disturbed?"

     "Fine fine, I'm just battling cravings and morning sickness, though it has reduced."

     "That's good. So, I came to ask you if you would like to spend the weekend with me?"

     "Spend the weekend?"

     "Yeah. We can go to a private beach and have fun then come back on Sunday."

     "Hmm. I like the idea."

     "Okay. Good. I am glad you like it. I have to run now but is 3pm on Friday good for you?"

     "Yes. I would be ready."

     "Okay. See you then." I said standing up.

     "So, no kiss for me?" She asked. I sat back down and said,

     "I didn't want to push my luck. Come to Daddy."

     She moved nearer and I locked my lips with hers. I missed her! And judging by the little sounds she was making, with the way she was grabbing me, I guess she missed me too. I leaned back a little, resting my forehead on hers before saying,

     "You make my blood boil so fast."

     "I will call you when I get home." I told her and I left.


What's up my people?

How's this chapter?

Is Siri falling? Is Laolu falling?

Who is happy?

Lucky Siri right? 

Tell me what you think. I appreciate your votes.

Thank you!

Siri #ProjectNigeriaOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz