Keith suppressed the lump that threatened to settle in his throat and lightly bit down on the lip he was previously worrying. As he did so he felt a sharp prick of pain. He sat up with a jolt and raised his hand to feel the accidentally afflicted area.

Blood? He drew back his hand and looked at his finger tips. A small red blotch decorated it. He didn't realize he had used that much force. Was he really that out of it? Curiously, he slipped his thumb past his lips to assess the condition of his teeth. Everything was how it should be- wait. The canines.

Keith haphazardly launched himself from the bed and towards the mirror on the opposite wall. He curled up his top lip and opened his mouth to view both rows of teeth at once. The canines. Both pairs were wider and elongated ever so slightly. The most jarring deduction, though, is that they were sharper. A lot sharper. Keith braced himself against the wall with his left hand and dropped his head into his right. When this metamorphosis reached its end, how much of him would remain Keith?

Energy was running high and, all around, moods were elated. Two weeks of digging for information and careful planning were over. The rescue mission had been a success. Shiro was back, in one piece, and with all human limbs still accounted for plus his faithful robot arm. Everyone was worse for wear but more so for Shiro. He walked into the common area supported by Hunk's arm around his waist and his own arm slung around Hunk's neck.

"I'm fine," the older male insisted in response to the worried gaze the large boy was giving him. A soft smile graced his lips, "but thank you, Hunk."

"We kicked their butts!" Pidge shouted with her arms thrown in the air.

"Heck yeah, we did!" Lance bellowed in celebratory glee.

Keith cracked a small smile as he slunk past the rowdy blue and green paladins. However, Keith's escape wasn't as stealthy as he had wished it to be.

"Hey Keith," the blue paladin abruptly ended his hollering. It was obvious that Keith didn't outwardly express many emotions but he figured he would at least stick around and not lock himself in his room now that Shiro was back. Shiro deserved better than to be brought back just to be brushed off by Keith, especially since everyone knew how close those two were. It pissed him off. Lance turned to the paused escapee. He raised an eyebrow; not only was Keith's helmet still on but the front was darkened making his face barely visible. "I know you fell in love with the solar protection option of the helmet, but could you stop being emo for five minutes?"

"No," Keith replied, only sparing a moment's glance at the boy, who now stood with his hip popped and his arms crossed, before proceeding with his departure.

He only managed a few steps past Lance before he was stopped again. It was Shiro this time.

"Keith. Off with the helmet." His tone was authoritative and left no room for argument.

"Yeah buddy, you're creepy with those shaded looks." Hunk, who was still holding up Shiro, spoke as he helped Shiro hobble towards the most troublesome two of the team.

Keith didn't respond but he didn't move either. Everyone was gathered around now and all eyes were on him; exactly what he had spent the last three months avoiding. He can't keep this up much longer. Constantly having your hackles raised was exhausting. With a defeated sigh, he let his shoulders sag.

"You won't like what you'll see." His voice was distant and small; showing a glimpse of the insecurities that had been bottled up and held out of view ever since he left The Blade of Marmora headquarters, perhaps even before then.

"All I see is that you're hurting and you're-," Shiro let go of Hunk with a quiet grunt and moved towards Keith.

"Shiro..." Hunk followed Shiro's form with hovering hands.

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