Yet, it had to be this way. It's not like he could tell anyone. The only person Keith felt comfortable opening up to had up and vanished. Even then, would he had told Shiro? It's highly unlikely. If the others found out, though, how would they react? For Christ sake, the leader of Voltron is turning into a quiznaking Galra! But of course they would be perfectly okay with it since it worked so well the first time!

What about Allura? She was the most weary about Keith leading Voltron in the first place; not to mention the time she flat out ignored Keith's existence. He had just began to gain her trust, but now... Now he was becoming the one thing she despises with all of her being. She had stepped up to pilot the red lion (it was her father's lion after all) but will she be so willing if she knew? If it was discovered that he was Galra could Voltron even be formed? He had to keep this issue a secret, for the sake of leading Voltron and protecting the universe. All Keith had to do was pretend that nothing was wrong. Besides, if you believe a lie enough it will become truth, right?

Ignoring the problem worked. Or, it did at first. Keith began to distance himself. It had started as an unconscious act which developed into a conscious one driven by paranoia. The only time spent with the other inhabitants of the castle was when it was mandatory: missions, training, and meal time. During all free time Keith isolated himself. It was easier this way. After all, his secret can't be discovered by anyone if no one is around.

It was only a matter of time until Keith's anti-social tendencies were noticed. Allura was the first to voice her worry.

"Is something wrong with Keith?" She asked; the boy in question had hurried to make himself scarce after another successful mission.

The other three paladins looked between each other to see if anyone had an answer.

"Maybe he's tired? Missions can be pretty draining," Pidge offered with a shrug and minimal concern.

"Could it be that he is hungry? I've seen him eating more lately; always taking seconds during meals." Hunk spoke with furrowed brows and turned to Lance for his opinion.

Lance snorted.

"It's probably just his time of the month. Or it could be that stick that has become permanently lodged in his -"

"Lance." Allura cut him off with an unamused stare.

"Well, he was never a social butterfly to begin with," Lance finished with a huff.

The princess hummed softly as she mulled over her team's suggestions. Perhaps it could be chalked up to 'just a bad day'; with all the stress the young paladin was under, she could didn't doubt it.

Keith laid on his bed and stared at the ceiling. He was dressed in shorts and a t-shirt; rather underdressed as of late but since he was alone he could get away with it. Being alone had become the only time he had to relax. If anyone else was around he was always on guard, watching his behavior and actions, always making sure no one noticed any of the excellerating changes. In just a week the unwanted change had claimed everything from the collar bones down. If the situation was different, he would say it looked like he bathed in grape Kool-Aid.

Keith worried his bottom lip as he thought over today's mission. They had gained important information regarding Shiro's where abouts. Everyone was ecstatic. Shiro was alive! He could be saved and returned to his rightful position as leader! Keith was happy too but the joyous feelings were quickly hindered by insecurities.

For the longest time, Shiro was all Keith had. He was just as much as a brother as he was a friend to the lonely orphan. Things had changed though. Sure, Shiro had only been gone for five weeks, but in those weeks Keith had become ninety percent purple and short, soft hairs began to grow; its color matching the skin it sprouted from.

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