"We were fine," Lance contradicts, "Nothing a sharpshooter can't handle."

From across the room Keith shoots him a look but it's more amused than anything else. Lance watches as Keith's blade retracts, disappearing back into his bayard. A moment later, the bayard itself disappears. Finally Lance allows himself to step out of his fighting stance and his bayard follows Keith's disappearing into thin air.

"Thanks for having my back." Lance pulls his helmet off his head, rubbing a hand across the back of his neck.

Keith crosses the room, stopping back at Lance's side. He removes his own helmet and Lance smiles at how wild his hair looks. "Nice shooting," he says before leaning in and capturing Lance's lips.

These were perhaps Lance's favorite kisses. He loved all of them, of course, but he loved these the most. They were always full of adrenaline and a certain gratefulness to be alive. And they always came after the two of them worked as a team. Keith pulls away but Lance catches the back of his neck, drawing him in again. After all, it should be a few more minutes before the others get here.

Chapter 4: Sunset

It was interesting to think that the sun had continued setting each day, gloriously, no matter what. Lance had been on the other side of the universe risking his life and the sun remained moving steadily about it's routine as if nothing were out of the ordinary. It offered Lance some sort of comfort--the idea that things could go back to normal after everything that had happened.

He had watched many a sunset from the rooftop of his family home, it had always been one of his favorite things to do. It had always been a personal thing, too. Even though his family was always there, he never invited anybody to sit on the roof with him and they never pried. It was usually his time to think about life, reflect on the day and just unwind.

Sitting on the roof now, Keith tucked snugly under his arm with his head on Lance's shoulder made him wonder how he ever could have been satisfied before. He had watched many a sunset from this rooftop and yet, not one had ever been this beautiful. The yellow from the sun bled out, fading into soft oranges and pinks until it eventually met up with the darkness of the night sky. The soft colors were stunning, no doubt, but they weren't what made this such a special occasion.

"I like to picture little you sitting up here," Keith said, his voice hushed. The moment was intimate and his quiet tone only made it more intimate. Lance had to lean closer to him to be able to hear his words clearly. Not that he minded. He would always take an excuse to be closer to Keith. "Looking at the sky and just thinking about your life."

"I used to do exactly that," Lance replies just as quietly, turning his head so he can see the soft smile on Keith's lips. "Have I told you that before?"

"No, I just know you."

Those words fill Lance's heart with an emotion as soft as the sunset. There's a comfortable warmth in the pit of his stomach, making him feel like he's exactly where he is supposed to be. He lets his own small smile grace his lips, "Yeah, you really do."

Keith pulls away then--not far, but far enough that he can angle his body so they're facing each other. The small smile is still on is lips and it's so fond it makes Lance feel like his heart might burst right then and there. He lifts a hand and places it on Keith's cheek, tracing his thumb along the scar that resided there. Keith closed his eyes and leant his head into Lance's palm.

There was a time where Keith would never have done this. He never would have been open and honest and vulnerable. There was a time when Lance never would've believed that he could win Keith's heart, no matter how much he wanted to. But somehow, somewhere along the lines he did exactly that. And now he got to enjoy these tender moments with Keith and nothing could make him happier.

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