Chapter 8- The News

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Me, Fred and George waited for Professor McGonagall to speak and waited in anticipation as she opened her mouth. "I want you three on the Gryffindor quidditch team. Tillie as a chaser and Fred and George as beaters. So what do you three say?" she said with a smile. "YES YES YES YES!!!" I yelled jumping up and down. "Alright then!" Fred and George said in unison. "Lovely, practice is tomorrow at 6am and your robes will be on your beds." she said smiling and walking away, "why is it so early?" I said, "I guess Charlie made it early so the Slytherins don't catch us in practice." a new voice said coming down the stairs, it was Oliver. "Hi Ollie." I said waving at him and walking toward him to give him a hug. He hugged back as I swatted my brothers hands as they were making love hearts at us. We all sat down. Oliver was on the left near the arm of the sofa as I sat net to him with my head resting on his shoulder and Fred and George came and sat next to me, Fred sat next to me and George next to him. Me and Oliver fell asleep on the sofa and Fred and George went up to their room as to not disturb us.

"Tillie? Get up!" I heard Charlie say. "Shush Charlie, I'm trying to sleep." I said as I noticed arms around me, I turned around to face the figure and opened one eye slightly and saw Ollie. I smiled and snuggled closer to him. "Tillie you both have to get up or you are going to be late for quidditch practice." he said, "ugh fine. Come on Ollie wake up, we have quidditch practice." I said gently playing with his hair. "Mkay." he said as his face turned a dark shade of red blushing at the position we were in. I blushed even harder.

We got changed for practice and grabbed brooms from the broom cupboard and went to the field.

~~~~~Time skip brought to you by Flint's new dentist~~~~~~~

After practice me and the three boys went to breakfast. I ate Toast with chocolate stuff on it with a plain black coffee with absolutely no sugars. I drank the coffee as the boys stared at me "what?" I said. "It's black," Fred said, "with no sugar," George said, "with nothing in it but coffee granules and water." Ollie finished. "Well I like it." I said finishing my coffee as we all got ready or a school day as boring as any other.

A/n- I don't know what year Charlie is in when Fred and George are in their first year because google sent me mixed signals, first saying 4th year then 6th year so imma say that Charlie is in 5th year. (A/n- edit- i now know he's in sixth year beause someone commented it so thank you)

When I met the Quidditch captainDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora