Chapter 17- A Day With The Thestrals

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Tillie's P.O.V

"Uncles!" I screamed as I shot up from my dream. I panted  as I cried, gripping my shirt tightly. Angelina and the other girls heard me, I'm assuming everyone else did too. Angie came over to comfort me as the other girls went to sleep. I cried in Angelina's arms as I heard my brothers shouting from the bottom of the girls dormitory stairs. "Let us up you stupid bloody stairs!" I heard George yell. Angelina detached from me for a second and went to the stairs to retreive the boys.

Fred threw the door open and ran to me, jumping on my bed, hugging me tight as George did the same. I saw Oliver emerge from the dorr next. The other girls huffed and went to go to another dorm with their friends. Oliver sat on the bed and joined the hug, as did Angelina. "Thanks guys" I smiled, hugging them all back, blushing a little at the attention. They all nodded and smiled, creating a group hug. I looked over at my clock, "It's 1am, Sleepover?" I asked with a smile. "Yes!" My brothers said, Oliver gave a smile "let's have a sleepover!" he agreed. Angelina giggled and grabbed her pillow and duevet, coming back to my bed. We all snuggled up on the massive bed with all the pillows and blankets, falling asleep again.

When I woke up, I found a foot on my face, belonging to Fred, a hand somehow in my mouth and nose, that was George's, and I was hugging someone while being hugged. I looked in front of me and saw that I was hugging Oliver, so Angelina was behind me, hugging me. I saw the time, 7am. "We're going to miss breakfast!" I said trying to get up, "George, get that hand out my face and fred, get your foot away from me!" I shouted at them, trying to shove them off me . They all woke up and they all stood up. Fred, George and Oliver went to their dorm to go and get dressed. I picked up a pair of blue jeans and a simple black shirt, slipping on Oliver's hoodie that he left the other day. Angelina teased me and my face turned a little pink.

I tucked my hands into the hoodie and smiled at the smell, walking down the stairs. I told Angelina that I was going to the forests to see if I could find the thestrals. I skipped through the common room and smiled happily through the halls. I kept my wand up my sleeve, just in case. I went down a little corridoor and smiled. I heard footsteps behind me and very quickly turned around to see Bugs Bunny- sorry, I meant Marcus Flint. That was an insult to poor Bugs. Flint walked up to me as I stood there. My brothers taught me a few spells to help me defend myself, so I wasn't worried. He started walking closer, trying to be intimidating "Hello, princess~" He said grimply. I rose my wand to him, "I told you not to call me that, didn't I?" I said innocently tilting my head before casting a bat-bogey hex at him, running away after so he couldn't follow me. I ran to the kitchens and tickled the pear. I asked the elves for some raw cut-up steaks, and a lot of chocolate chip cookies for me to snack on. I got the meat and put it in a plastic bag. I put the cookies in my bag, keeping them away from the meat. I got some wipes from the elves and thanked them, walking back out and towards my destination.

I arrived at the forest and walked inside, looking around for thestrals. I smiled as I found one. I stuck my hand out so it could walk up to me and know I wasn't a threat. I felt it nuzzle my palm and smiled. I took off my bag and gave it some of the meat I had, It ate it all quickly and I chuckled. "I'm going to call you Oli!" I smiled looking at him. He led me to the others, I looked at them in awe. They were so pretty. I saw their thin, grey, skelital bodies. They looked quite majesctic. Their wings, quite large, but as they spread them out I saw that they were torn. I got the meat out my bag and gently threw some to the floor by each thestral, giving a little more to Oli. "You're cute aren't you, Oli" I cooed at the thestral. "Hello" I heard a voice say from behind me. I turned around to see Oli.

My cheeks grew pink as he had a small smiled on his face, "Hello Oliver" I said waving, stroking the next to me. I grabbed a few wipes from my bag, cleaning my hands with several different wipes, then putting on hand sanitizer. We don't want raw meat hands kids, that's bad. After I was sure that my hands were clean, I grabbed a couple of cookies from my bag and gave one to Oliver. "Here, have a cookie" I smiled, he looked at me with a mischivouse smile, "Does Oli  like cookies?" He asked. I went blushed a deep red, "I- Shut up" I pouted, shoving him lightly. "The thestrals are very pretty" I said admiring them as I took a bit of my cookie, "They are, aren't they?" Oliver agreed. I looked at him sadly and gave him a little side hug. "My grandfather was in St Mungo's and he died of old age. It wasn't as traumatic, but it was still  upsetting" He explained looking down. "It's okay Oli" I said hugging him. He hugged back and we stayed like that for a while. 

When we pulled away I took a bite from his cookie and giggled, running over to a thestral as he chased me. "Let's ride Oli, Oli!" I said excitedly mounting Oli's back carefully. He started to fly and I held on tight and smiled as I felt Oliver wrap his arms around me so he wouldn't fall.

A/n- Hello, I wanted to give you guys a good chapter today. I made it twice as long as the others usually are because I had a few ideas about what I wanted to do. I hope you liked it :))

Also, thank you so much for 3.4k reads  :)))))))

When I met the Quidditch captainजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें