Chapter 16- Thestrals

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3rd P.O.V

As the train approached the school, we all went to the bathrooms to pee if we needed. We all gathere back and got our trunks as the train stpped. We got off and went to the carraiges, "W-What's that?" Tillie asked, "That thing, pulling the carraige?!" she said pointing, starting to lean into the closest person to her. "You can see it?" Oliver questioned as Fred held his sister in his arms, "That's a thesral Tillie. Only people who've seen death can see them." he said softly. "Uncle Fabian, Uncle Gideon, no!" She exclaimed starting to remember the events. "I-I was 4. The deatheaters came. My uncles hid me in the closet and told me not to make a sound. Next thing I know, there's a big flash and t-they're dead a-and I blacked out" She explained, starting to cry. Oliver looked at her, full of sorrow. Fred and George hugged their sister tight as Oliver and Angelina told themselves to hug her later.

Once they Got off the carriage, they walked to The Great Hall. Tillie had cheered up now and she was joking with everyone else and laughing. She enjoyed being with her friends, it made her happy. She put some potatoes, chicken, peas, carrots, & a few more vegetables before pouring gravy on top and getting a cup of plain black coffee. A s she ate, Fred and George told her about a prank they quickly pulled on Filch. "WEASLEYS!" he screamed from the doors, the three of them laughed and quickly got up and ran off before Filch could get them. 

They ran to Myrtle's bathroom and hid in seperate stalls, making sure they sat on the back of the toiled with their feet on the seats so they wouldn't be seen."What did you do to my hair gel!" Filch yelled down the halls. The twins put a spell on his hair gel so his hair would go permanently blonde, his bald patches were now more visible due to the brighter colour against his head. Once they were sure Filch was gone, they stepped out their stalls and laughed together, holding their stomaches and doubling over. "That was the best prank ever!" Tillie exclaimed.

They walked back to the common room and went to change into their pijamas, before coming back down. Tillie just wore her brother's old clothes. They sat by the fire and played wizards chess, as well as they could anyway. Charlie helped Tillie to win. And she did. She flopped bck on her back and spread out like a starfish. Oliver, Fred, George, Charlie and Angelina watched her. Charlie was told what happened earlier but decided not to talk about it. Tillie smiled, "Thank you guys. And thanks for making me win Charlie!" she said hugging him. "That was a great Christmas" she smiled as Lee came over and joined them. They talked for another couple of hours, joking and planning more pranks, before going to bed.

Tillie laid down and pulled the covers over her and fell asleep. 

"Uncles!" Tillie shouted, shooting up from her sleep and breathing rapidly from her nightmare.

A/n- Hello, I'm sorry it took me so long to update. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed it :)

(If anyone doesn't know, Fabian and Gideon are Molly's brothers and they were killed by deatheaters in 1981. The twins were 4 and I made sure the math made sense before typing that part) 

When I met the Quidditch captainحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن